Affiliate Disclosure is a website dedicated to reviewing dating sites and apps, offering advice on the best places for singles to find love online. We strive to provide honest and unbiased reviews of all products that we review, but it’s important for our readers to understand how we make money through affiliate relationships with certain companies.
We may receive compensation from some of the websites or services mentioned in this article if you click on links associated with them (such as Amazon). This means that when you purchase something using those links, DatingSecret receives a commission at no additional cost or effort by you. Our goal is always transparency so here are some details about how these commissions work:
Whenever someone clicks an affiliate link within one of our articles and purchases something from the linked site (or takes advantage of any other offer presented), DatingSecret earns a commission based upon their action(s).
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This disclosure page should not be interpreted as legal advice nor does its inclusion imply endorsement by any company listed herein — please consult your own attorney before engaging in any business transaction related activities discussed above.. Additionally, while every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy throughout this document errors & omissions do occur; therefore use caution when relying solely upon information provided herein without consulting appropriate professional counsel first!