The Best Of The Best: A Review Of 10 Dating Apps For Single Parents

  • eHarmony – Best for people looking for a serious, long-term relationship.
  • Match – Best for people looking to find meaningful relationships and connections.
  • Single Parent Meet – Best for single parents looking to find a meaningful connection with someone who understands the unique challenges of parenting solo.
  • Elite Singles – Best for singles looking for a serious relationship who are willing to invest in finding the right match.
  • Our Time – Best for people looking to find meaningful connections with like-minded singles over 50.

There are many more great dating apps for single parents available. With so many options, you’re sure to find one that fits your needs. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • Just Single Parents
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Mums Date Dads
  • Parents Without Partners
  • Dating for Parents

5 Useful Tips For Dating Apps For Single Parents

  • Utilize the safety features offered by the app. Many apps offer tools such as photo verification, location tracking, and chat filters to help protect users from scammers or other malicious activity.
  • Make sure to read the reviews and ratings of any dating app before downloading it. This will give you an idea of how reliable and trustworthy the app is.
  • Set clear boundaries and expectations for yourself and your potential matches. Being a single parent can be a full-time job, so make sure to communicate your needs and limitations upfront.
  • Take your time getting to know someone before meeting in person. It’s important to get to know someone online before deciding to meet up with them in real life.
  • Don’t forget to have fun! Dating apps are a great way to meet new people and explore potential relationships. Have fun and don’t take things too seriously.

Pros & Cons Of Dating Apps For Single Parents

Dating apps can be a great way for single parents to meet potential partners, as they offer convenience and flexibility. However, it is important to consider the pros and cons of using dating apps before taking the plunge into online dating.

  • Easier to find potential partners who are also single parents.
  • More convenient and less time consuming than traditional dating methods.
  • Allows for more control over the type of people you meet, such as age range or interests.
  • Increased privacy due to not having to reveal personal information in public settings.
  • Ability to search for compatible matches based on location and lifestyle preferences
  • Limited options for single parents: Many dating apps don’t have specific filters or search parameters that allow users to find other single parents.
  • Lack of safety features: Dating apps often lack the same level of security and privacy as more traditional online dating sites, leaving some vulnerable to potential predators.
  • Time consuming process: Finding a compatible partner on a dating app can be time-consuming due to having so many profiles available at once. This is especially true for busy single parents who may not have much free time in their day-to-day lives.
  • Difficulties finding long term relationships : Since most people use these platforms with the intention of meeting someone casually rather than seeking out something serious, it can be difficult for those looking for lasting connections and relationships through them.
  • Unclear intentions from matches : It’s hard enough trying to figure out what someone wants when you meet face-to -face, but even harder over an app where intentions are unclear.

List Of Best Dating Apps For Single Parents


eHarmony is the real deal! It’s one of the top dating sites out there, offering an in-depth questionnaire to help you find your perfect match. Plus, it has tons of features like guided communication and secure phone calls that make it stand out from the crowd. It also offers a free membership so you can test the waters before diving in. All in all, eHarmony is the perfect place to find love – no strings attached!


Match is the ultimate dating site! It’s got all the bells and whistles, plus some extra special features. With its powerful search engine, you can easily find your perfect match. Plus, it’s easy to use and offers lots of ways to connect with potential dates. Plus, you get access to a great community of singles who are looking for love. All in all, Match is the go-to site for anyone looking for their soulmate. It’s no wonder it’s been around for so long – it’s the perfect way to find true love!

Single Parent Meet

Single Parent Meet is the go-to dating site for single parents. It’s got all the bells and whistles you’d expect from a top-notch dating site, plus it’s tailored to meet the needs of single parents. You can easily find like-minded singles in your area, get to know them better with secure messaging, and even arrange meetups. Plus, with its detailed search filters, you can narrow down your search to find the perfect match. Single Parent Meet is the perfect place to meet someone special, so don’t miss out!

Elite Singles

Elite Singles is the cream of the crop when it comes to online dating. It’s designed for educated, ambitious singles who are looking for a serious relationship. The site uses an extensive personality test to match users with compatible partners. Plus, it has a smart algorithm that delivers 3-7 matches per day based on your preferences. It also offers a range of features like icebreakers and profile verification to make sure you’re only talking to real people. Elite Singles is the perfect choice for those seeking a meaningful connection!

Our Time

Our Time is a great dating site for those 50 and over. It’s easy to use, with lots of features that make it simple to find your perfect match. Plus, you can search by interests, age, location, and more. You can also read success stories from other members, so you know what to expect. The best part? It’s free to join! So why wait? Sign up today and start finding love!

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Choosing the best dating app for single parents can be a tough nut to crack. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! But don’t worry, I’m here to help you out and make sure that your search is as smooth sailing as possible.

First things first: it’s important not to get overwhelmed by all of the options available on the market today – there are so many different apps with varying features and user bases, it can seem impossible at times! The key is narrowing down what kind of experience you’re looking for before diving into any one particular app or website. Do you want something more casual? Or maybe something serious? Are kids involved in this equation or will they come later down the line? Knowing exactly what type of relationship (or lack thereof) that you’re seeking from an online platform will save time and energy when making your selection. Once these questions have been answered, take some time researching each option thoroughly; read reviews from other users who’ve tried them out already, check if their policies align with yours (ease-of-use should also be taken into consideration!), compare pricing plans…you name it! All this info combined should give an idea about which ones might fit better than others according do your needs – even though no two people are alike after all!.

Now comes my favorite part: testing ‘em out yourself!! Take advantage of free trials whenever possible – most platforms offer them nowadays – try several sites/apps simultaneously if needed until finding one where sparks fly right away…who knows?! You may just end up meeting someone special sooner rather than later 😉 And last but not least: trust your gut feeling above everything else; whether we admit it or not our intuition usually never fails us when deciding matters related to love & relationships …so go ahead follow its lead ;).

How Do We Rank Dating Apps For Single Parents?

My team and I take reviewing dating apps for single parents seriously. We tested both free and paid versions of the most popular dating apps, spending days sending messages to other users (we sent over 200 messages in total!). In addition to that, we also read through user reviews on different app stores as well as online forums. This gave us a better understanding of what kind of features people found useful or lacking when it comes to these types of services. We took our time with this review process because we wanted to make sure all aspects were taken into consideration – from pricing models and customer service quality right down to usability testing across multiple devices like phones, tablets etc., so that you get an accurate picture about how good each platform is before signing up for one yourself! Our commitment goes beyond just writing reviews; we actually use the platforms ourselves so you can be assured that everything written here is based on first-hand experience rather than hearsay or guesswork. That’s why our readers trust us: they know they’re getting honest opinions backed by solid research which sets us apart from other review sites out there who don’t offer such detailed insights into their findings!


So there you have it, single parents! Whether you’re looking for something serious or just a bit of fun, dating apps are the way to go. There’s no need to feel overwhelmed by all the options out there; each app has its own unique features and benefits that can help make your search easier. Just remember to take things slow and be honest with yourself about what kind of relationship you want before diving in headfirst. Good luck on your journey – happy swiping!


1. How to find good dating apps for single parents?

Start by researching reviews of dating apps for single parents. Ask your friends and family who have used them if they had a good experience. Lastly, look into any safety features the app offers to ensure you feel comfortable while using it.

2. Are dating apps for single parents legit?

Yes, dating apps for single parents are legit! I’ve tried a few and they all seem to have great features that make it easy to find someone who understands your situation. Plus, there’s lots of other single parents out there looking too so you’re sure to find someone special.

3. How to find dating apps for single parents?

I’d recommend checking out reviews online to find the best dating apps for single parents. You can also ask friends and family who have tried them, or even search social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter for advice from other single parents. Finally, you could look into joining a local support group that might be able to provide some recommendations as well!

4. Do dating apps for single parents really work?

Yes, dating apps for single parents really work! I’ve tried a few and had some great conversations with other single parents. It’s also nice to know that everyone on the app is in the same boat as you – looking for someone who understands what it’s like to be a parent.