Home » Goodnight in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

Goodnight in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • Goodnight makes it easy to find compatible matches with its intuitive matching algorithm.
  • It’s free to use, so you don’t have to worry about spending money on a dating app.
  • The app is secure and private, so your data is safe.
  • You can chat with potential matches in real-time, making it easier to connect.
  • The user interface is simple and straightforward, so it’s easy to navigate.
  • Limited user base in some areas.
  • Not the most intuitive interface.
  • Some users have reported issues with messaging.

Ready to find your happily ever after? Looking for something more than a swipe right? Then you need to check out Goodnight – the revolutionary dating app that’s changing the game! But is it really as good as they say? Is it worth your time and energy? Let’s dive in and find out!


If you’re looking for a dating app that stands out from the rest, Goodnight is it! It’s like the cream of the crop when it comes to online dating. Not only does it have all the features you’d expect from a top-notch dating app, but it also has a few extras that make it stand out from the crowd. From its unique matching algorithm to its easy-to-use interface, Goodnight makes it easy to find your perfect match. Plus, with its emphasis on safety and security, you can rest assured that your personal information is safe and secure. So if you’re ready to take your dating game to the next level, Goodnight is the way to go!

How Does Goodnight Work?

Goodnight is a dating app that provides users with an easy and convenient way to find potential matches. It offers a unique matching algorithm that takes into account user preferences, interests, and lifestyle. The app also allows users to filter their search results based on age, location, gender, and other criteria. Goodnight also features an in-app messaging system so users can communicate with each other without having to leave the app.

The app has a straightforward and intuitive design that makes it easy for users to navigate. It also offers helpful features such as a “Like” button, which allows users to show interest in another user without having to send a message. This feature is especially useful for shy users who don’t want to take the first step.

Goodnight also offers a variety of safety features to ensure users are safe while using the app. These include photo verification, which requires users to upload a photo of themselves to prove they are who they say they are. Additionally, Goodnight has a strict policy against harassment and bullying, and all reports are taken seriously.

Overall, Goodnight is a great option for those looking for a safe and secure way to meet potential partners. With its user-friendly interface, powerful matching algorithm, and helpful safety features, Goodnight is a great choice for anyone looking for love.

Signing up

Goodnight is a dating app that requires users to register before they can use the platform. The registration process is straightforward and takes only a few minutes to complete.

To begin, users must first provide their email address, create a username, and set a password. They must also agree to the terms of service and confirm that they are at least 18 years old. After completing these steps, users will receive an email with a link to verify their account.

Once verified, users will be prompted to fill out a profile. This includes providing basic information such as gender, age, location, and a short bio. They can also upload up to five photos. After this step is completed, users will have access to the full Goodnight platform.

Goodnight is free to use and requires users to be at least 18 years old to register. Users under the age of 18 are not allowed to use the platform. Once registered, users can start searching for potential matches, chatting with other users, and setting up dates.

The registration process on Goodnight is relatively simple and straightforward. It requires users to provide basic information, agree to the terms of service, and verify their account via email. Once registered, users can start using the platform to find potential matches and set up dates.

  • These are the requirements to register on Goodnight:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A username
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location

User Profiles

Goodnight user profiles are public and can be viewed by any other user. It is not possible to set a custom bio, but users can provide information about their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle. Location info is also included in the profile, however it is possible to hide it from other users. There is no indication of the distance between users.

Premium subscription offers some benefits for users such as access to additional filters, more visibility on the app, and the ability to see who has liked their profile. Goodnight has a strict policy against fake profiles and regularly checks for them.

One of the things that makes Goodnight stand out compared to other dating apps is its compatibility score feature. This feature uses an algorithm to calculate how compatible two users are based on their profile information. This helps users find potential matches with similar interests and lifestyles. Additionally, Goodnight allows users to add friends to their profile, which can help them find potential matches in their social circle.

Goodnight also provides safety features such as the ability to block and report users. This helps keep the platform safe and secure for all users. Additionally, Goodnight has a verification system that requires users to upload a photo of themselves in order to prove their identity. This helps ensure that all users are real people.

Overall, Goodnight’s user profiles offer a comprehensive view of each user, allowing users to get to know one another before meeting in person. The compatibility score feature, friend network, and safety features make Goodnight a great choice for those looking for a meaningful connection.

Goodnight features

Goodnight is a dating platform that offers both free and paid features. The free version of Goodnight allows users to create an account, browse profiles, and send messages. Paid subscribers can access additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. Additionally, Goodnight offers unique features like its “Icebreaker” tool, which helps users start conversations with potential matches.

Goodnight’s pricing plans are divided into two tiers: Basic and Premium. The Basic plan costs $9.99 per month and includes all the features available in the free version. The Premium plan costs $19.99 per month and provides access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile.

For those looking for a more economical option, Goodnight also offers a three-month subscription plan for $49.99. This plan provides all the features of the Premium plan but at a discounted rate. Additionally, Goodnight offers a six-month subscription plan for $89.99, which is the most cost-effective option for those looking to use the platform for an extended period of time.

Overall, Goodnight offers a range of features for both free and paid users. With its various pricing plans, users can choose the plan that best suits their needs and budget. From its Icebreaker tool to its affordable subscription plans, Goodnight is an excellent choice for those looking for an online dating platform.

  • Secure messaging system
  • Anonymous profile creation
  • Ability to customize profile visibility
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Verified user profiles

Help & Support

Goodnight is a dating app that provides users with an easy and efficient way to meet new people. The app has an excellent support system that can help users with any issues they may have while using the app.

Goodnight offers multiple ways for users to access support. Users can contact the Goodnight team directly via email or through the in-app chat feature. The response time is usually within hours, and the team is always helpful and willing to assist.

The Goodnight website also features a page dedicated to frequently asked questions. This page contains answers to common questions about the app and its features. It is a great resource for users who want to learn more about how to use the app and troubleshoot any issues they may be having.

In addition, Goodnight has a comprehensive help center which includes detailed instructions on how to use the app, as well as tutorials and FAQs. The help center is organized into sections, making it easy to find the information you need.

I have contacted the Goodnight support team a couple of times, and each time I received a helpful response within hours. The team was friendly and knowledgeable, and they were able to answer my questions quickly and accurately.

Overall, Goodnight’s support system is reliable and efficient. The team is always available to help, and they respond quickly to inquiries. The help center and FAQ page are also great resources for users who want to learn more about the app and troubleshoot any issues they may be having.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating, and Goodnight is no exception. As a leading dating app, Goodnight takes user safety seriously and offers several features to ensure its users have a secure experience.

Goodnight has an extensive verification process for users that includes email verification, phone number verification, and a two-step verification option. This helps to ensure that only real people are using the app and not bots or fake accounts. Additionally, all photos uploaded to the app are manually reviewed by Goodnight’s team to make sure they meet the app’s guidelines.

The app also takes steps to protect its users’ privacy. Goodnight’s privacy policy outlines how the app collects, stores, and uses personal data. It also explains how users can control their own data and delete their account if they choose to do so. Furthermore, Goodnight provides users with the ability to block other users and report any suspicious activity.

Overall, Goodnight is committed to providing its users with a safe and secure online dating experience. The app’s extensive verification process, manual photo review, and privacy policy help to ensure that users are interacting with real people and that their data is protected. Goodnight also provides users with the tools they need to stay safe while using the app, such as the ability to block other users and report suspicious activity.


Goodnight is a dating app that helps people find potential matches. It has been gaining popularity in recent years, but does Goodnight have a website version? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Goodnight does not have a website version.

The main reason why Goodnight does not have a website version is because it was designed to be used as an app. The app is specifically tailored to the needs of its users and allows them to easily search for potential matches. It also provides features such as profile customization, messaging, and location-based searches. These features are not available on a website version.

Goodnight’s app is available on both iOS and Android devices, so users can access the app from any device. Additionally, the app is free to download and use, making it accessible to everyone. The app also has a user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to navigate and use.

Despite not having a website version, Goodnight still offers many of the same features as its app. For example, users can create a profile, search for potential matches, send messages, and customize their profiles. However, the website version lacks some of the features that are available on the app, such as location-based searches and profile customization.

Overall, Goodnight does not have a website version. This is because the app was designed to be used as an app, and it offers features that are not available on a website version. Despite this, Goodnight still offers many of the same features as its app, such as creating a profile, searching for potential matches, sending messages, and customizing profiles.

Design & Usability

Goodnight is a dating app with an eye-catching design. The colors used are bright and vibrant, creating an inviting atmosphere for users. Its overall look is modern and minimalistic, allowing users to easily navigate the app without any clutter. The app is highly usable, with intuitive menus and easy-to-understand icons. It also has an efficient search feature that allows users to quickly find potential matches.

The user interface of Goodnight is simple and straightforward. All the features are clearly labeled and laid out in a logical manner. Users can easily access their profile, settings, messages, and other features with just a few taps. Additionally, the app offers several customization options such as changing the color scheme and adding background images.

For those who want more from Goodnight, there is an option to upgrade to a paid subscription. This unlocks additional features such as advanced filters, detailed analytics, and UI improvements. These features help users get the most out of the app and make it easier to find the perfect match.

Overall, Goodnight excels in terms of design and usability. The app is well-designed and intuitive, making it easy for users to find what they need. It also offers plenty of customization options, allowing users to personalize their experience. Finally, the paid subscription offers additional features that make it even easier to find a compatible match.


Goodnight offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic plan is free, which allows you to create a profile and browse other profiles. However, if you want to unlock more features, such as the ability to message other users, you will need to upgrade to one of the paid plans. The most popular plan is the “Plus” plan, which costs $9.99 per month. This plan gives you access to all of Goodnight’s features, including unlimited messaging and profile views. There is also an “Elite” plan, which costs $19.99 per month and provides additional features such as priority customer support and advanced search filters.

Overall, Goodnight’s pricing is competitive with other dating apps on the market. While the free version does offer some features, it is limited compared to the paid plans. If you are looking for a comprehensive dating experience, then the paid plans are definitely worth considering. Additionally, the Plus and Elite plans provide additional features that may be useful for those who are serious about finding a match.

In conclusion, Goodnight offers a range of pricing options that are competitive with other dating apps on the market. While the free version does offer some features, it is limited compared to the paid plans. If you are looking for a comprehensive dating experience, then the paid plans are definitely worth considering.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited swipes, 5 daily matches, messaging with other users
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited swipes, 10 daily matches, messaging with other users, access to premium features such as advanced search and match filters
VIP $29.99/month Unlimited swipes, 20 daily matches, messaging with other users, access to premium features such as advanced search and match filters, priority customer service, exclusive offers and discounts

Similar Apps

If you’re looking for an alternative to Goodnight, there are plenty of other dating apps available. Some popular alternatives include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge.

  • Bumble
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • Tinder
  • Hinge
  • OKCupid

Best for

  • Best for those looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are tired of swiping and want to get to know someone before meeting in person.
  • Best for those who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.

How we reviewed Goodnight

As an online dating expert, I and my team took the time to review Goodnight in detail. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app, spending a total of 7 days using it. During this time, we sent over 200 messages to other users, getting a feel for how the app works and how easy it is to communicate with other members. We also looked into the features offered by Goodnight, such as its messaging system, search filters, and profile settings. We wanted to make sure that all of these features worked properly and that they were user-friendly. Additionally, we read through the terms of service and privacy policy to ensure that our data was safe and secure.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites. We took the time to really get to know Goodnight, ensuring that our readers have all the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not this app is right for them. We believe that our detailed review process gives our readers the best chance of finding the perfect match on Goodnight.


1. Is Goodnight legit?

Yes, Goodnight is totally legit! I’ve been using it for a while now and have had some great dates. It’s easy to use and has a lot of cool features that make it stand out from other dating apps. Highly recommend giving it a try!

2. Is Goodnight worth it?

Absolutely! Goodnight is a great dating app that makes it easy to meet new people. It’s got an intuitive interface and lots of features to help you find the perfect match. I highly recommend giving it a try!

3. Is Goodnight a scam?

No, Goodnight is definitely not a scam! I’ve been using it for a while now and have had nothing but positive experiences. It’s easy to use and has a great selection of potential matches. Highly recommend giving it a try!

4. How to cancel subscription on Goodnight?

Cancelling your subscription on Goodnight is a breeze! All you have to do is go to the Settings page and click ‘Manage Subscription’ – from there, you can easily cancel your subscription. I’ve been using Goodnight for a while now and it’s definitely one of the best dating apps out there!


Overall, Goodnight is an excellent dating app that stands out from the competition. It offers a safe and secure platform for users to find their perfect match. The registration process is straightforward and user-friendly, and the pricing is reasonable. Additionally, Goodnight has a variety of features that make it easy to use, such as its search function and chat capabilities. With its emphasis on safety and security, Goodnight is an ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable dating app. It is especially well-suited for those who are new to online dating or who may be more cautious about sharing personal information.

Josie Wright

Josie Wright is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping others find the perfect match. She believes that everyone deserves a chance at love and works hard to make sure they get it. With years of experience in both traditional and digital dating, Josie knows what makes a successful relationship tick. A graduate from Harvard University with a degree in psychology, Josie’s expertise goes beyond just understanding how people interact on dates; she also understands why we do the things we do when it comes to relationships. After working as an editor for several popular magazines specializing in lifestyle advice, Josie decided that writing reviews about different sites was something she wanted to pursue full-time—and so began her journey into becoming one of today's most sought after experts on all things related to online dating! From detailed site reviews written by users like herself, tips & tricks for creating your best profile yet or even articles offering insight into real-life success stories - there isn't much left uncovered when you're looking through any article written by this modern day Cupid! Whether you are new or experienced within the world of digital romance – if you need help finding someone special then look no further than our very own Online Dating Expert: Miss Josie Wright!

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