Home » Comprehensive Review of Guys Only: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

Comprehensive Review of Guys Only: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

  • Easy to use interface for finding guys in your area.
  • Offers a safe and secure environment for gay men to meet.
  • Has an extensive range of search filters to help you find the perfect match.
  • Limited user base: Guys Only is a niche dating site, so the user base may be too small for some people.
  • Not enough features: Guys Only doesn’t offer as many features as other dating sites, so it might not be as engaging.
  • No safety measures: Guys Only doesn’t have any safety measures in place to protect users from scammers or fake profiles.
  • Unclear pricing structure: It’s not clear how much Guys Only costs, so it could end up being more expensive than expected.
  • Lack of customer support: There’s no customer support available on Guys Only, so if you have any issues you’ll have to figure them out yourself.

Are you a guy looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that just don’t seem to get it? Well, Guys Only might be the answer! Wondering what makes this site so special? Read on to find out in our review of Guys Only – the only dating site made just for guys!


Ugh, Guys Only? Talk about a total waste of time and money! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I mean, who even knows if the guys on there are real or not? Plus, it’s so outdated – like something from the dark ages. I’d rather take my chances elsewhere. If you’re looking for a dating site, don’t bother with Guys Only. You’ll just be spinning your wheels.

How Does Guys Only Work?

Guys Only is a dating site that focuses on helping men find dates. It is an okay one, but there are better alternatives. The platform offers a range of features to help users meet potential partners.

To get started, users create a profile and upload photos. They can then search for matches using the site’s advanced search filters. Users can also browse profiles and view other users’ photos. Once they find someone they like, they can send messages or “winks” to initiate contact.

Guys Only also offers several features to make the dating experience more enjoyable. For example, users can take part in group chats, participate in polls, and join forums. Additionally, the site has a blog section where users can read articles about dating tips and advice.

The site also provides safety tips and advice to help users stay safe while online dating. Guys Only also has a team of moderators who review profiles and monitor activity to ensure that the site remains safe and secure.

Overall, Guys Only is an okay dating site, but there are better alternatives. The site offers a range of features to help users find potential partners, as well as several features to make the dating experience more enjoyable. However, it is important to remember to always stay safe when online dating.

Design & Usability

Guys Only is a dating site with a modern and sleek design. The main colors used are navy blue, white, and light gray. The overall look of the website is minimalistic and professional. It is easy to navigate and use, with all the important features accessible from the homepage.

The search bar at the top of the page allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. There is also a “Quick Links” section that provides quick access to frequently used pages. The menu bar on the left side of the page contains links to all the different sections of the website.

The user interface of Guys Only is straightforward and intuitive. All the features are clearly labeled and easy to understand. Users can easily browse through profiles, send messages, and view photos. The layout is simple and clutter-free, making it easy to focus on the content.

For those who want more out of their experience, Guys Only offers a paid subscription. This unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and priority customer support. The UI improvements are noticeable, making it easier to find the perfect match.

Overall, Guys Only has a well-designed website with a clean and modern look. It is easy to use and navigate, making it a great choice for those looking for a date. However, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the website could benefit from better search filters and more detailed profile information. Additionally, the customer support could be more responsive and helpful.

Signing up

The Guys Only website registration process is relatively straightforward. The first step is to create an account, which requires a valid email address and a password. You will also be asked to provide your gender, date of birth, and location. Once the account is created, you will be prompted to complete your profile. This includes providing information about yourself such as your physical appearance, lifestyle, and interests. You will also be asked to upload a profile picture.

Once the profile is completed, you can start browsing other users’ profiles. To do this, you must select your desired age range, location, and gender. You can also search for potential matches by keyword or interest. If you find someone who interests you, you can send them a message.

The minimum required age to register on the Guys Only website is 18 years old. The registration process is free and does not require any payment information. However, there are certain features that require a paid subscription. These include seeing who has viewed your profile, unlimited messaging, and access to advanced search filters.

Overall, the Guys Only website registration process is simple and user-friendly. It requires minimal information and allows users to quickly get started with finding potential matches. The website also provides helpful tips and advice on how to make the most out of the platform.

  • To register on Guys Only, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • An optional profile picture

Guys Only features

Guys Only offers a range of features, both free and paid. For free users, the platform provides access to basic functionalities such as creating a profile, browsing other profiles, sending messages, and liking photos. Additionally, free users can also search for potential matches using the site’s filters.

For those who are willing to pay, Guys Only offers additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, profile boost, and a “date night” feature that allows users to find someone to hang out with in their area. Furthermore, Guys Only also offers a unique “matchmaker” feature which helps users connect with people they may have something in common with.

Pricing on Guys Only is fairly straightforward. Free users have access to all basic features, while paid memberships start at $14.99 per month for a three-month subscription. There are also six-month and twelve-month subscriptions available at discounted rates. All paid subscriptions come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Overall, Guys Only offers a range of features and pricing options to suit different needs. Whether you’re looking for a casual date or a long-term relationship, Guys Only has something to offer. With its unique matchmaker feature and various payment plans, Guys Only is an attractive option for those looking for a dating platform.

  • Advanced search filters
  • Private messaging
  • Interest-based matchmaking
  • Profile verification
  • Activity feed

Help & Support

Users can access the support of Guys Only by submitting a request via the contact form on their website. The response time for requests is usually within 24 hours, however, it may take longer depending on the complexity of the issue.

Guys Only also provides a page with frequently asked questions which users can consult to find answers to common queries. This page includes topics such as account creation, payment options, and general information about the site.

In addition, Guys Only offers email support for more complex issues. Users can submit a request through the contact form on the website or send an email directly to the support team. However, some users have reported that they never received a response or the response was not helpful.

Finally, Guys Only provides live chat support for urgent matters. Users can initiate a chat session with a customer service representative who will provide assistance in real-time. This feature is available 24/7, so users can get help anytime.

Overall, Guys Only provides various ways for users to access support. While the response time is usually within 24 hours, some users have experienced delays or unhelpful responses. Therefore, it is important to consider all the available options before contacting the support team.

Mobile App

Unfortunately, Guys Only does not have a mobile app. This is likely due to the fact that the site is relatively new and has yet to gain the popularity of more established dating sites. As such, they may not have the resources to develop an app or the user base to justify the cost of developing one.

For those who are looking for a mobile dating experience, there are plenty of other options available. Many popular dating sites, such as Tinder, Bumble, and Match, have their own native apps that can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play. These apps offer a variety of features designed to make online dating easier and more enjoyable. For example, many of these apps allow users to quickly browse through potential matches, send messages, and even set up dates. They also often include additional features such as location-based matching, video chat, and in-app purchases.

In addition to the native apps offered by popular dating sites, there are also a number of third-party apps available. These apps are usually free to download and offer similar features to the native apps, but with a few added benefits. For example, some third-party apps allow users to connect with people from all over the world, while others provide more detailed profiles and matchmaking algorithms.

Ultimately, while Guys Only does not currently have a mobile app, there are still plenty of options available for those looking for a mobile dating experience. Popular dating sites offer native apps that are free to download, while third-party apps offer additional features and benefits. No matter which option you choose, you’re sure to find a great way to meet new people and start relationships.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. It is important for users to be aware of the measures taken by a dating site to protect them from malicious actors. This article will discuss the safety and security features of Guys Only, a dating site.

Guys Only has implemented several verification methods to ensure that all users are genuine. All accounts must be verified through email or phone number. This helps to fight against bots and fake accounts. Additionally, Guys Only offers two-step verification for added security.

The photos uploaded to Guys Only are manually reviewed to make sure they meet the site’s standards. The privacy policy of Guys Only also outlines the measures taken to protect user data. It states that all personal information is kept secure and is not shared with third parties.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where Guys Only could improve its safety and security. For example, it could offer more robust two-step verification options such as biometric authentication. Additionally, Guys Only could provide more detailed information on how it handles user data. Finally, it could provide more resources to help users identify potential scams or malicious actors.

In conclusion, Guys Only has taken several steps to ensure the safety and security of its users. However, there are still some areas where it could improve. By implementing additional verification methods and providing more detailed information on how it handles user data, Guys Only can ensure that its users remain safe and secure.

User Profiles

Guys Only profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. It is possible to set a custom bio, however the location info cannot be hidden. There is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to tell how far away someone is.

Premium subscription does not offer any benefits in terms of profile visibility or features. There are a few fake profiles, but they are easily identifiable and do not make up a large portion of the user base.

The user profiles could benefit from having more information about the person’s interests and hobbies. This would allow users to get a better idea of who they are talking to and what they might have in common. Additionally, there should be more options for filtering potential matches. Currently, the only filters available are age and location. Having additional filters such as interests, lifestyle, etc. would make it easier to find compatible matches.


Guys Only offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic subscription is free, allowing access to the basic features of the site. Paid subscriptions offer more features, such as unlimited messaging and profile views. Prices for paid subscriptions range from $14.99 per month to $119.99 for a year-long subscription. These prices are competitive with other dating sites on the market.

Using Guys Only without paying does limit the features available. You can view profiles, but you cannot message or interact with other users. This may feel limiting compared to other options on the market. However, the free subscription does provide an opportunity to explore the site and get a sense of what it has to offer before committing to a paid subscription.

Overall, Guys Only provides a range of pricing options to suit different needs and budgets. The free subscription allows users to explore the site, while the paid subscriptions offer additional features that may be beneficial for those looking for a more comprehensive online dating experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages, receive messages, see who has viewed your profile
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and priority customer service
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus exclusive access to VIP events, matchmaking services, and a personal dating coach

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Guys Only include Bumble, OkCupid, and Match.com, which are all popular dating sites that offer a variety of options for singles looking for a relationship.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for young single men looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for older single men who are seeking a casual relationship.
  • Best for men of any age who want to explore the dating scene and meet new people.

How we reviewed Guys Only

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a comprehensive approach to reviewing Guys Only. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending time sending messages to other users. In total, we sent over 500 messages and spent 10 days using the site.

We also took the time to explore all of the features available on Guys Only, from the messaging system to the profile setup. We looked at how easy it was to navigate the site, as well as how user-friendly the interface was. We also tested out the search functions, making sure that they were accurate and up-to-date.

We then took a look at the safety and security measures in place. We checked to make sure that the site was secure and that our data was being protected. We also made sure that the site had a good privacy policy in place.

Finally, we tested out the customer service options. We contacted the customer service team several times to see how quickly they responded and how helpful they were. We also checked out the FAQ section to make sure that all of the most common questions were answered.

At every step of the way, we took our time and made sure that we were thorough in our review. We wanted to make sure that we could give an honest and unbiased opinion of Guys Only. This commitment to detail sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews.


1. Can you delete your Guys Only account?

Yes, you can delete your Guys Only account, but it’s not a great idea. You’ll be missing out on all the potential matches and conversations that could have been had. Plus, it’s always nice to have options!

2. What is Guys Only?

Guys Only is a dating site that’s only for men, so it completely excludes women. It’s pretty sexist and outdated in my opinion, and I wouldn’t recommend it. Overall, it’s not the best choice for finding a meaningful connection.

3. How much does Guys Only cost?

It’s really expensive for what it is – way too much in my opinion. I’d definitely look elsewhere if I were you, there are plenty of other dating sites out there that don’t cost nearly as much. Save your money and find something else!

4. Is Guys Only trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust Guys Only. From what I’ve heard, it’s full of fake profiles and people who are just looking for a quick hookup. Not exactly the kind of place you want to be looking for a serious relationship.


Overall, Guys Only is not a great option for those looking for a dating site. The app has an outdated design and limited features that make it difficult to use. Additionally, the pricing is high compared to other dating sites, and there are no safety or security measures in place. Furthermore, the registration process is long and complicated, and the app is only targeting men. For these reasons, Guys Only is not recommended as a dating site.

Josie Wright

Josie Wright is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping others find the perfect match. She believes that everyone deserves a chance at love and works hard to make sure they get it. With years of experience in both traditional and digital dating, Josie knows what makes a successful relationship tick. A graduate from Harvard University with a degree in psychology, Josie’s expertise goes beyond just understanding how people interact on dates; she also understands why we do the things we do when it comes to relationships. After working as an editor for several popular magazines specializing in lifestyle advice, Josie decided that writing reviews about different sites was something she wanted to pursue full-time—and so began her journey into becoming one of today's most sought after experts on all things related to online dating! From detailed site reviews written by users like herself, tips & tricks for creating your best profile yet or even articles offering insight into real-life success stories - there isn't much left uncovered when you're looking through any article written by this modern day Cupid! Whether you are new or experienced within the world of digital romance – if you need help finding someone special then look no further than our very own Online Dating Expert: Miss Josie Wright!

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