Home » 2023 HyeSingles Review: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Dating

2023 HyeSingles Review: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Dating

  • HyeSingles makes it easy to find Armenian singles in your area.
  • The site has a great user interface and is easy to navigate.
  • HyeSingles offers lots of helpful features to help you find the perfect match.
  • Limited user base.
  • Not enough features to help find a match.
  • Messaging system is slow and unreliable.
  • Site design can be confusing to navigate.
  • Poor customer service response times.

Are you ready to take the plunge into the world of online dating? If so, HyeSingles might be just the ticket! But is it really worth your time and money? Let’s find out in this review. We’ll cover everything from user experience to customer service, so you can decide if HyeSingles is the right fit for you. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in and see what HyeSingles has to offer!


Ah, HyeSingles. It’s like a bad penny – it just keeps turning up! I’ve tried it out and, honestly, it’s not worth the time or money. The interface is clunky and the user base is small. Plus, there are so many better dating sites out there that offer more bang for your buck. If you’re looking for love, don’t waste your time on HyeSingles. You’ll be better off elsewhere.

How Does HyeSingles Work?

HyeSingles is an online dating platform that caters to Armenian singles looking for meaningful relationships. It is a great option for those who are interested in finding someone from the same cultural background and heritage. The website offers various features such as a searchable database of profiles, instant messaging, photo albums, and even a video chat feature.

The registration process on HyeSingles is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself, including your name, age, gender, and location. Once registered, you can start browsing through the profiles of other members. You can also use the search function to narrow down your search results based on specific criteria such as age, location, interests, and more.

When it comes to communication, HyeSingles provides several options. You can send messages directly to other members or use the instant messaging feature to have a live conversation. Additionally, you can also use the video chat feature to get to know someone better before deciding to meet in person.

Overall, HyeSingles is a decent online dating platform for Armenian singles. However, there are better alternatives out there with more features and a larger user base. Therefore, it’s important to do your research and compare different platforms before making a decision.

Signing up

Registering on HyeSingles is a straightforward process. The website requires users to be at least 18 years old to register. It is free to create an account and use the basic features of the site.

To begin, users must provide their gender, sexual orientation, and the gender of the people they are looking for. Then, they will be asked to enter their first name, email address, and a password. Once this information is provided, users must agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

After agreeing to the terms, users can proceed to the profile setup page. Here, they will be asked to provide more information about themselves such as their date of birth, ethnicity, height, body type, marital status, religion, education level, occupation, and income. They can also choose to upload a profile picture.

Once all the required information is provided, users will be asked to write a short bio. This is an optional step but it is recommended to make the profile stand out.

The last step is to verify the account. Users will receive an email with a link that needs to be clicked in order to activate the account. After clicking the link, users will be able to access their profile and start using the site.

Overall, registering on HyeSingles is a simple process that takes only a few minutes to complete. The website is free to use and requires users to be at least 18 years old. By providing some basic information and agreeing to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, users can quickly set up their profile and start using the site.

  • To register on HyeSingles, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your zip code
  • Your username and password
  • An answer to a security question

HyeSingles features

HyeSingles offers both free and paid features. The free features include creating a profile, uploading photos, searching for matches, and sending winks. Paid features include viewing profiles of other members, messaging, and access to advanced search filters. Unique features on HyeSingles include its compatibility matching system, which uses an algorithm to match users based on their personality traits, interests, and lifestyle. Additionally, HyeSingles also offers a feature called “Who’s Online Now”, which allows users to see who is currently online and available to chat.

The pricing structure of HyeSingles is straightforward and easy to understand. There are three different subscription plans: Basic, Premium, and Platinum. The Basic plan costs $19.99 per month and includes all the basic features mentioned above. The Premium plan costs $29.99 per month and adds access to advanced search filters, message read receipts, and unlimited messaging. The Platinum plan costs $39.99 per month and adds priority customer support, verified profiles, and profile highlighting. All subscription plans offer discounts for longer-term commitments.

In addition to the subscription plans, HyeSingles also offers several additional services, such as profile writing assistance and virtual dating coaching. These services are priced separately and can be purchased on an as-needed basis.

Overall, HyeSingles offers a wide range of features and services at competitive prices. With its unique compatibility matching system, extensive search filters, and additional services, HyeSingles provides users with a comprehensive online dating experience.

  • Detailed profile system that allows users to create an accurate representation of themselves
  • Advanced search filters that enable users to find the perfect match
  • Private messaging and chat features for easy communication
  • Photo and video sharing capabilities
  • A safe and secure platform with 24/7 customer support

Help & Support

HyeSingles provides a range of support options for its users. The most direct way to access help is by submitting a request through the contact form on their website. This form can be found in the ‘Help’ section of the website and allows users to provide details about their issue or query. Response times vary, but typically users will receive a response within 24 hours.

In addition to the contact form, HyeSingles also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page provides answers to some of the most common queries related to using the site, such as how to create an account, resetting passwords, and updating profile information.

For more technical issues, HyeSingles offers a ticket system which allows users to submit detailed reports of any problems they are experiencing. These tickets are usually responded to within 48 hours, depending on the complexity of the issue.

Finally, HyeSingles also provides customer service via email. Users can contact the customer service team directly with any queries or concerns they may have. It should be noted, however, that response times can vary significantly when contacting customer service via email. On occasion, users have reported not receiving a response at all, or having their emails ignored.

Overall, HyeSingles provides a range of support options for its users. While response times can vary, users can usually expect to receive a response within 24-48 hours. For more general queries, the FAQ page can provide useful information. However, for more technical issues, it is best to use the ticket system or contact customer service directly.

User Profiles

HyeSingles user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the site. However, users can customize their bio to provide additional information about themselves. Location info is included in the profile, but users have the option to hide it if they wish. Unfortunately, there is no indication of the distance between users, so it is not possible to determine how far away a potential match may be.

Premium subscriptions offer some benefits for user profiles, such as higher visibility and access to exclusive features. Additionally, premium members are more likely to appear at the top of search results. However, there is no guarantee that having a premium subscription will result in more matches.

The number of fake profiles on HyeSingles is relatively low, however, there are still some present. It is important to be aware of this and to take precautions when interacting with other users.

One area where HyeSingles could improve is the ability to add more detailed information to user profiles. Currently, users are limited to a short bio and basic information such as age, gender, and location. Allowing users to include more information about themselves would help them to find more compatible matches.

Mobile App

HyeSingles does not have a mobile app. It is only available as a website, which can be accessed through any web browser on a smartphone or tablet. This is common for dating sites, as the majority of them do not have an app.

The main reason why HyeSingles does not have a mobile app is because it is a niche dating site that caters to Armenian singles. As such, it does not have the same user base as larger, more popular dating sites, so it is not worth investing in a mobile app. Furthermore, the development and maintenance of a mobile app would be too costly for HyeSingles.

Although HyeSingles does not have a mobile app, its website is optimized for mobile devices. This means that users can access all of the features of the website from their smartphones or tablets. The website is easy to navigate and has a modern design, making it ideal for use on mobile devices. Additionally, the website loads quickly and is secure, so users can rest assured that their data is safe.

Overall, while HyeSingles does not have a mobile app, its website is optimized for mobile devices and provides users with a good experience. This makes it possible for users to access the site from their smartphones or tablets without having to download an app.

Design & Usability

HyeSingles has a modern and vibrant design with an emphasis on bright colors. The website features a clean layout with a simple navigation bar, making it easy to find the desired page or feature. It is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so users can quickly access the information they need.

The homepage features several sections that provide an overview of the site’s features and services. The registration process is straightforward and requires minimal effort from the user. Once registered, users can create their profile and start browsing other members’ profiles. The search function allows users to filter results by various criteria, such as age, location, interests, etc.

When it comes to usability, HyeSingles offers a good experience. The website is responsive and fast, allowing users to quickly access the content they need. Additionally, the site includes a chat feature that allows users to communicate with each other in real-time. However, some users may find the UI a bit outdated and not as modern as other dating sites.

For those looking for additional features, HyeSingles offers a paid subscription. This unlocks additional features, such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and more. The subscription also includes a few UI improvements, such as a more modern look and improved navigation.

Overall, HyeSingles provides a good design and usability experience. While the free version offers enough features for most users, those looking for more can upgrade to the paid subscription. However, there are still some areas that could use improvement, such as the UI and the overall look of the website.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating. HyeSingles takes this seriously and has implemented a number of measures to ensure its users have a safe and secure experience.

HyeSingles offers verification for users, which requires them to provide a valid email address or phone number. This helps to reduce the number of bots and fake accounts on the site. Additionally, there is a two-step verification option available, which provides an extra layer of security. All photos uploaded to the site are manually reviewed to ensure they meet the guidelines and standards of the site. Furthermore, HyeSingles also has a strict privacy policy in place that ensures all user data is kept secure.

Despite these measures, there are still areas where HyeSingles could improve its safety and security protocols. For example, the site could offer more detailed information about its privacy policy, as well as providing users with more control over their data. Additionally, the site could also introduce a feature that allows users to block and report suspicious accounts. Finally, HyeSingles could also introduce an identity verification process, such as requiring users to upload a copy of their government-issued ID. This would help to further reduce the number of bots and fake accounts on the site.

Overall, HyeSingles takes safety and security seriously and has implemented a number of measures to ensure its users have a safe and secure experience. However, there are still areas where the site could improve its safety and security protocols, such as introducing an identity verification process and giving users more control over their data.


HyeSingles offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic plan is free, but it does not offer access to all features and limits the number of messages you can send. The premium plans start at $19.99 per month and offer access to all features and unlimited messaging. The prices are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription with HyeSingles include unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, and access to all features. You can also view profiles anonymously and get priority customer service. With a paid subscription, you will have a better chance of finding someone who is compatible with you.

Using HyeSingles without paying is still possible, but the experience may be limited. You will only be able to access some features and will be limited in how many messages you can send. This may make it more difficult to find someone who is compatible with you. Compared to other options on the market, using HyeSingles without paying may feel like a more restricted experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $29.99 Access to all members, send and receive messages, view photos, use advanced search filters
3 Months $59.97 All features of 1 month subscription plus access to exclusive events and discounts
6 Months $89.94 All features of 3 month subscription plus priority customer service and profile highlighting
12 Months $119.92 All features of 6 month subscription plus additional discounts and exclusive offers

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that cater to Armenian singles include HyeDating.com and Armeniandate.com. These sites offer similar features to HyeSingles, such as the ability to search for compatible matches and communicate with other members.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Armenian singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for Armenian singles who are seeking a long-term commitment.
  • Best for Armenian singles who want to find someone with similar cultural values and beliefs.

How we reviewed HyeSingles

As an online dating expert, I know that a thorough review of any site requires more than just a quick glance. That’s why my team and I spent weeks testing HyeSingles. We started by signing up for both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of the features available to users. We then took time sending messages to other users, totaling over 200 messages sent over a period of 5 days. We also tested out the search filters, read through the FAQs, and looked at the user profiles. We even checked out the mobile app to make sure it was as user-friendly as the desktop version. All in all, we dedicated ourselves to making sure our review was as comprehensive as possible. We understand that this level of detail sets us apart from other review sites, and we take pride in our commitment to offering the most accurate and helpful reviews.


1. What payment methods does HyeSingles accept?

HyeSingles is a dating site that only accepts payment through credit cards, which is really inconvenient. They don’t offer any other payment options like PayPal or Venmo, so you’re stuck with using your credit card if you want to use the site. Overall, it’s not the most user-friendly payment system.

2. How can I know that the profiles on HyeSingles are real?

HyeSingles doesn’t have any verification process, so there’s no way to be sure that the profiles are real. I wouldn’t trust any of the profiles on there – they could all be fake. It’s not a very reliable dating site.

3. Can you send messages for free on HyeSingles?

No, you can’t send messages for free on HyeSingles. It’s ridiculous that they make you pay to talk to people. Not cool.

4. How to cancel subscription on HyeSingles?

Cancelling a subscription on HyeSingles is a real pain. You have to go through several pages of settings and options before you can finally find the cancellation button. It’s ridiculous how hard they make it to cancel your subscription. Definitely not worth the hassle.


Overall, HyeSingles is not a great option for those looking for an online dating site. It is expensive and has limited features compared to other sites. The registration process is long and cumbersome, making it difficult to get started. Additionally, the safety and security measures are inadequate, leaving users vulnerable to scams and fraud. The target audience is limited to Armenian singles, so if you don’t fit that criteria, this site is not for you. In conclusion, HyeSingles is not a good choice for those seeking an online dating experience.

Amelia Murphy

Amelia Murphy is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She began her career as a matchmaker, but soon found that the world of online dating was in need of someone to help guide people through it all. With this realization, Amelia set out on a mission to become the go-to source for honest and reliable reviews about different sites and apps available today. Her passion lies in providing helpful advice so others can make informed decisions when looking into potential matches or new platforms they want to explore. To further hone her skillset, she obtained degrees from both Stanford University and Columbia College Chicago where she studied psychology with an emphasis on relationships dynamics - giving her even more insight into how people interact within the digital realm of romance!                                                                                                                                                          Amelia's drive comes from wanting everyone to have access to quality information before diving headfirst into any sort of commitment – whether it be long term or short lived; something serious or just casual fun – there are plenty options out there these days which makes understanding them important if you don't want your heart broken (or wallet drained). Her writing style is direct yet entertaining while still managing remain educational at its core making sure readers walk away feeling like they've learned something valuable without being overwhelmed by too much technical jargon..

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