Home » MatchOcean in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

MatchOcean in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • MatchOcean has a large user base, making it easy to find potential matches.
  • It’s free to join and use, so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank.
  • The site is secure and reliable, so you can be sure your information is safe.
  • Limited profile customization options
  • No video chat feature
  • Limited search filters
  • Low user activity in some areas
  • Messaging is only available to paying members

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Have you tried all the other dating sites out there and still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Well, if that’s the case, it’s time to give MatchOcean a try! This online dating site is revolutionizing the way people meet and connect with potential partners. But is it really worth your time? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, MatchOcean is definitely not the one. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – it’s just not worth the effort! The profiles are so generic and there’s no way to really get to know someone. Plus, the customer service is terrible. I mean, who wants to wait days for a response? Not me! And don’t even get me started on the cost – it’s way too expensive for what you get. All in all, MatchOcean is a total waste of time and money.

How Does MatchOcean Work?

MatchOcean is an online dating platform that connects singles from all over the world. It offers a wide range of features and services to help its users find their perfect match. The site has a large user base, with more than two million members worldwide. MatchOcean provides a variety of search options to help users find potential matches, including age, location, gender, interests, and more. Users can also browse through profiles, send messages, and view photos. Additionally, MatchOcean offers several features such as video chat, instant messaging, and private messaging.

MatchOcean is a great option for those looking for a casual or serious relationship. The site is easy to use and offers a wide range of features to help users find the right person. However, it should be noted that there are better alternatives out there when it comes to online dating. For example, some other sites offer more detailed search options, more detailed profile information, and more comprehensive safety measures. Additionally, some sites offer more advanced features such as compatibility tests and matching algorithms.

Overall, MatchOcean is a decent online dating platform that offers a wide range of features and services to help users find their perfect match. While it may not be the best option out there, it is still a viable option for those looking for a casual or serious relationship.

Mobile App

MatchOcean does not have a mobile app. This is somewhat surprising given that many other dating sites do offer a mobile app. There are several possible reasons why MatchOcean does not have an app. First, it may be that the site has not yet developed a mobile app. Developing and maintaining a mobile app can be expensive and time-consuming, so it may be that MatchOcean has not yet invested in creating one. Another possibility is that MatchOcean may have decided to focus its resources on its website rather than developing a mobile app.

It is also possible that MatchOcean may have had a mobile app in the past but has since discontinued it. Mobile apps need to be regularly updated to keep up with changes in technology and user preferences, and it may be that MatchOcean was unable to keep up with these changes. Finally, it is possible that MatchOcean may have decided that a mobile app was not necessary for its users. Many people prefer to use the website on their mobile devices, and MatchOcean may have decided that this was sufficient for its users.

Overall, MatchOcean does not have a mobile app. While this may be disappointing for some users, there are several possible reasons why the site has chosen not to develop one. In the meantime, users can still access the site on their mobile devices through the website.

Help & Support

MatchOcean provides users with several ways to access support. Users can contact the MatchOcean customer service team via email or telephone. The response time for emails is usually within 24 hours, while phone calls are answered in real-time. Additionally, MatchOcean has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs) that may help users find answers to their queries quickly.

The MatchOcean customer service team is available to answer any questions users may have about the site and its features. They can provide assistance with account setup, troubleshooting, payment issues, and more. Furthermore, they can also provide advice on how to make the most of the MatchOcean platform and get the best results from it.

I have contacted the MatchOcean customer service team a couple of times and was not impressed with the response. The first time I emailed them, I did not receive a response at all. The second time, I received a response but it was not helpful.

Overall, MatchOcean provides adequate support to its users. However, if you need immediate assistance, it may be better to call the customer service team rather than sending an email. Additionally, if you have a simple query, it may be worth checking the FAQs page first before contacting the customer service team.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and MatchOcean is no exception. As a platform dedicated to helping singles find meaningful connections, it takes the safety of its users seriously.

MatchOcean has a verification process for all users, which helps to ensure that only real people are on the site. It also fights against bots and fake accounts by using a combination of automated tools and manual reviews. Additionally, the site offers two-step verification for added security. All photos uploaded to the site are manually reviewed to make sure they comply with the guidelines.

In terms of privacy, MatchOcean has a comprehensive privacy policy in place. This outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. It also explains what measures are taken to protect user data from unauthorized access or misuse.

While MatchOcean does take many steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the site could provide more information about its security measures, such as the types of encryption used to protect user data. Additionally, the site could provide more resources for users to help them stay safe while using the platform. Finally, the site could introduce more advanced features, such as facial recognition technology, to further enhance its security.

Overall, MatchOcean takes many steps to ensure the safety and security of its users. The site has a verification process for all users, fights against bots and fake accounts, offers two-step verification, and manually reviews all photos. While there are some areas that could be improved, such as providing more information about its security measures and introducing more advanced features, the site is committed to protecting its users.

User Profiles

MatchOcean user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who is registered on the site. Users have the option to set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. The location info in the profiles is visible to other users, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between the users, however they can search for potential matches within a certain radius.

Premium subscriptions offer several benefits for users with upgraded profiles, such as more visibility, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to send unlimited messages. It is important to note that there are a lot of fake profiles on MatchOcean, so it is recommended to be vigilant when interacting with other users.

The user profiles on MatchOcean could benefit from additional information about the user’s interests, hobbies, and lifestyle. This would help users find better matches and make it easier to start conversations. Additionally, the profile photos could be improved with the addition of an image cropping tool to ensure that all photos meet the site’s standards. Finally, it would be helpful if users had the option to add a short video introduction to their profile.

MatchOcean features

MatchOcean offers both free and paid features for its users. The free features include creating a profile, browsing other profiles, and sending winks. The paid features include unlimited messaging, seeing who has viewed your profile, using advanced search filters, and access to the “Ask an Expert” feature.

MatchOcean also offers some unique features such as “Verified Profiles” which allows users to verify their identity by providing additional information and “Private Mode” which gives users the option to make their profile visible only to those they have accepted as friends.

When it comes to pricing, MatchOcean offers several subscription plans ranging from one month to twelve months. The one-month plan costs $19.99 per month, the three-month plan costs $17.99 per month, the six-month plan costs $15.99 per month, and the twelve-month plan costs $12.99 per month. All of these plans come with a 7-day free trial period.

For those who want to save money, MatchOcean also offers a discounted bundle package which includes a six-month subscription and an additional three months for free. This package costs $95.94 and can be purchased on the website.

In addition to the subscription plans, MatchOcean also offers a one-time payment option which includes a lifetime membership for $149.99. This option gives users access to all the features available on the platform.

Overall, MatchOcean provides a wide range of features at different price points, allowing users to choose the plan that best suits their needs. The platform also offers unique features such as Verified Profiles and Private Mode, making it a great choice for those looking for a secure and reliable online dating experience.

  • Free to join and use
  • Secure messaging system
  • Comprehensive profile creation
  • Advanced search filters
  • Compatibility ratings

Design & Usability

MatchOcean has a modern, sleek design with bright colors and an easy-to-navigate layout. The site features an intuitive interface that allows users to quickly find what they’re looking for. It also offers a range of helpful features, such as the ability to search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and interests. With its simple and straightforward design, MatchOcean makes it easy for users to find compatible matches.

The usability of MatchOcean is excellent. The navigation is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to quickly find what they need. The site also provides a range of useful features, such as a chatroom, messaging system, and profile customization options. Additionally, users can easily access their account settings and view their matches.

For those who want more from MatchOcean, there are several paid subscription options available. These subscriptions provide access to additional features, such as advanced search filters, private messaging, and photo verification. They also offer UI improvements, such as larger profile photos and a more streamlined interface.

Overall, MatchOcean’s design and usability are excellent. The site is easy to use and provides a range of helpful features. However, there are some areas where MatchOcean could improve. For example, the site does not offer any mobile apps, which could make it easier for users to access their accounts on the go. Additionally, the search filters could be improved to allow users to find more specific matches. Finally, the profile customization options could be expanded to give users more control over how their profiles look.

Signing up

The registration process on MatchOcean is straightforward and efficient. To become a member of the dating site, users must first create an account by providing their email address, creating a username, and setting a password. After this step is completed, users are asked to provide some basic information about themselves, such as their gender, age, location, and sexual orientation.

The minimum age required to register on MatchOcean is 18 years old. This is due to the fact that the website contains content that is not suitable for minors. Once all the necessary information has been provided, users must agree to the terms and conditions of the website.

After registering, users can begin creating their profile. They can upload a profile picture, write a short bio, and add other details about themselves, such as their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences. Users also have the option to answer additional questions about themselves in order to increase their chances of finding compatible matches.

Once the profile is complete, users can start browsing through potential matches. The website provides several search filters that allow users to narrow down their search based on various criteria, such as age, location, and interests.

Registration on MatchOcean is free and does not require any payment or subscription. However, users do have the option to upgrade their membership in order to access additional features, such as unlimited messaging and advanced search filters.

Overall, the registration process on MatchOcean is simple and straightforward. All users need to do is provide some basic information about themselves and create a profile. The website is free to use and provides several features to help users find compatible matches.

  • To register on MatchOcean, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your interests and hobbies


MatchOcean offers a variety of pricing options for its users. The most basic plan is free, which gives access to the site’s features and allows users to create a profile and search for potential matches. However, the free plan does not allow users to communicate with other members or use the advanced search filters. To take advantage of these features, users must upgrade to one of the paid plans.

The paid plans range from $19.99 per month to $34.99 per month depending on the length of the subscription. These plans give users access to all of MatchOcean’s features, including unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has viewed their profile. Additionally, paid subscribers have access to exclusive events and discounts.

Overall, MatchOcean’s pricing is competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market. Although the free plan does not offer much in terms of features, it is still a great way to get a feel for the site before committing to a paid subscription. With the paid plans, users can take full advantage of MatchOcean’s features and increase their chances of finding a compatible match.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create a profile, search for matches, send and receive messages, view photos
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features plus advanced search options, access to chat rooms, and ability to see who has viewed your profile
VIP $49.99/month All Premium features plus priority customer service, access to exclusive events, and unlimited messaging

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include Plenty of Fish, eHarmony, and OkCupid. These sites offer similar features to MatchOcean, such as profile creation, messaging, and matchmaking algorithms.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for those seeking a serious relationship
  • Best for singles looking to explore the dating scene
  • Best for people who are interested in meeting new people and making friends

How we reviewed MatchOcean

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into MatchOcean to provide an in-depth review. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending several days exploring its features. We sent messages to other users, with my team and I sending a total of over 500 messages. We also spent time browsing profiles, looking at the search options, and testing out the various messaging tools.

We wanted to make sure that our review was as comprehensive as possible, so we also looked at the safety measures in place, the customer service support, and the mobile app. We read through the FAQs and Terms of Service, and checked out the blog and social media accounts.

To ensure accuracy, we also asked real users about their experiences on MatchOcean. We reached out to people who had used the site for different lengths of time, from one month to one year. We asked them questions about the sign-up process, the user interface, and the quality of matches they received.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed reviews. We put in the extra effort to make sure that our readers get the most accurate and up-to-date information about MatchOcean.


1. Is MatchOcean safe?

No, MatchOcean is not safe. It’s full of scammers and catfishers. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a real relationship.

2. How does MatchOcean website work?

MatchOcean is a dating site that doesn’t seem to have any real vetting process. It’s just a free-for-all, so you never know who you’re going to meet. I wouldn’t trust it for finding someone serious or genuine. It’s not worth the risk.

3. Does MatchOcean have a mobile app?

No, MatchOcean doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s pretty disappointing considering it’s a dating site. It’s really inconvenient to have to log in from a computer all the time.

4. Can you send messages for free on MatchOcean?

No, you can’t send messages for free on MatchOcean. You have to pay for a subscription to be able to message other users. It’s really annoying and not worth it.


Overall, MatchOcean is not a great option for those looking for a reliable and secure dating site. The app has a few issues with usability, as well as limited features and options for users. Additionally, the pricing structure is not competitive compared to other sites on the market. Safety and security are also a concern, as there have been reports of fraudulent activity on the platform. Finally, the app appears to be targeting a younger demographic, which may not be suitable for all users. In conclusion, it is best to look elsewhere for a more comprehensive and secure dating experience.

Josie Wright

Josie Wright is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping others find the perfect match. She believes that everyone deserves a chance at love and works hard to make sure they get it. With years of experience in both traditional and digital dating, Josie knows what makes a successful relationship tick. A graduate from Harvard University with a degree in psychology, Josie’s expertise goes beyond just understanding how people interact on dates; she also understands why we do the things we do when it comes to relationships. After working as an editor for several popular magazines specializing in lifestyle advice, Josie decided that writing reviews about different sites was something she wanted to pursue full-time—and so began her journey into becoming one of today's most sought after experts on all things related to online dating! From detailed site reviews written by users like herself, tips & tricks for creating your best profile yet or even articles offering insight into real-life success stories - there isn't much left uncovered when you're looking through any article written by this modern day Cupid! Whether you are new or experienced within the world of digital romance – if you need help finding someone special then look no further than our very own Online Dating Expert: Miss Josie Wright!

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