Home » 2023 Mobifriends Review: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 Mobifriends Review: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use interface with great search features.
  • Lots of active users for a variety of dating options.
  • Comprehensive privacy settings to keep your information safe.
  • Limited search options for finding matches.
  • Poor user interface design.
  • Lack of security features to protect users.

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right? Well, look no further! Mobifriends is here to save the day. This dating site promises to bring people together in an easy and convenient way. But does it really deliver? Read on to find out! Will Mobifriends help you find your soulmate? Or will it be a total flop? Let’s dive in and see what this dating site has to offer!


Well, Mobifriends isn’t the best dating spot out there, but it’s definitely not the worst either. It’s kind of like the middle child – it gets lost in the shuffle. But if you’re looking for a decent site to find a date, Mobifriends could be just the ticket. The interface is easy to use and the features are pretty straightforward. Plus, it’s got a good selection of users from all over the world. So if you’re feeling adventurous, give Mobifriends a try – you might just find your match!

How Does Mobifriends Work?

Mobifriends is an online dating platform that helps people meet and connect with potential partners. It is a free-to-use service, but it also offers paid subscriptions for those who want to access more features. The platform has a simple and intuitive interface, allowing users to quickly find matches based on their preferences. Users can search for potential partners by age, location, interests, and other criteria. Once they find someone they like, they can start chatting and get to know each other better.

However, Mobifriends is not a good option for those looking for serious relationships. The platform does not have any verification process or safety measures in place, so users cannot be sure if the person they are talking to is real or not. Additionally, there is no way to block or report abusive users, which makes it difficult to protect yourself from harassment. Furthermore, the platform does not offer any matchmaking services, so users must rely solely on their own judgment when choosing potential partners.

Overall, Mobifriends is a convenient way to meet new people, but it is not suitable for those looking for serious relationships. It lacks safety measures and verification processes, making it difficult to protect yourself from scammers and other malicious users. Additionally, the platform does not offer any matchmaking services, so users must use their own judgment when selecting potential partners.

User Profiles

Mobifriends user profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to customize their profile with a bio, but this is not mandatory. Location information is also included in the profile, though users have the option to hide it if they wish. There is no indication of the distance between users, but there is an option to search for people within a certain radius.

Users with a premium subscription may benefit from additional features such as more detailed search filters and the ability to view who has visited their profile. They may also be able to send unlimited messages, while free users are limited to a certain number of messages per day.

The site has measures in place to prevent fake profiles, such as verifying email addresses and phone numbers. However, some users have reported that there are still a lot of fake profiles on the site.

In addition to the basic profile information, users can also add photos and videos to their profile. They can also add interests and hobbies, which can help other users find them more easily. Additionally, users can rate each other’s profiles and post comments.

Overall, Mobifriends provides users with a comprehensive profile system that allows them to share personal information and interests with other users. The ability to hide location information and the presence of measures to prevent fake profiles make it a safe and secure platform for users to connect with each other.

Help & Support

Users can access the support of Mobifriends by sending an email to their customer service team. The response time varies, but generally users should expect a response within 24 hours. Additionally, Mobifriends has a page with frequently asked questions that can provide answers to common queries.

I have contacted Mobifriends’ customer service team a couple of times and the response was good, although it did take a while. Generally, the customer service team is knowledgeable and helpful in resolving any issues or answering any questions that I had. They also provided me with useful information on how to use the site better.

Mobifriends offers a variety of features for its users, such as the ability to search for potential matches, create a profile, upload photos, send messages, and more. If you are having trouble using any of these features, you can contact the customer service team for assistance. They will be able to help you troubleshoot any issues you may be having.

If you are looking for general information about Mobifriends, you can find it on their website. This includes information about the site’s features, safety tips, and more. You can also find information about upcoming events and promotions.

Overall, Mobifriends provides a good customer service experience. While the response time may vary, the customer service team is usually helpful and knowledgeable. Additionally, the website provides a lot of useful information about the site and its features.

Design & Usability

Mobifriends has a modern, vibrant design with a mostly blue and white color scheme. The site is easy to navigate and the layout is simple and straightforward. All of the important information is clearly visible on the homepage, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for. The user interface is intuitive and well-designed, with all the features and functions easily accessible.

The search function is particularly useful, allowing users to quickly find potential matches based on their preferences. The messaging system is also easy to use, with an intuitive chat window that allows users to communicate with other members in real time. Additionally, Mobifriends offers a variety of tools and features to help users make the most of their experience, such as the ability to create a profile, upload photos, and add friends.

For those who want to take their experience to the next level, Mobifriends offers a paid subscription which unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and priority customer support. The subscription also provides access to a range of UI improvements, such as a more streamlined user interface and improved navigation.

Overall, Mobifriends has a great design that makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for. The user interface is intuitive and well-designed, and the additional features available with a paid subscription provide even more convenience and usability. With its modern look and comprehensive set of features, Mobifriends is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a dating site.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount on any dating site, and Mobifriends is no exception. In order to ensure that users have a safe and secure experience, Mobifriends has several verification processes in place.

First, Mobifriends has implemented measures to fight against bots and fake accounts. All user profiles are reviewed by the Mobifriends team before they are approved, and all photos must be manually reviewed before they can be uploaded. This helps to ensure that all users are real people who are looking for genuine connections.

Mobifriends also offers a two-step verification process for users who want an extra layer of security. This process requires users to enter a code sent to their mobile phone in order to log in to their account. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts.

Mobifriends takes user privacy seriously, and its privacy policy outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. The policy also explains how users can delete their accounts or request that their data be removed from the platform.

In terms of safety and security, there are still some areas where Mobifriends could improve. For example, it would be beneficial to have more detailed information about the verification process, such as how long it takes for a profile to be approved or what criteria is used to determine if a photo is suitable for upload. Additionally, it would be helpful to have more information about how user data is protected and how the platform works to prevent cyberbullying and other forms of abuse.

Overall, Mobifriends takes safety and security seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure that users have a safe and secure experience. By providing more information about its verification process and how user data is protected, Mobifriends can further enhance its safety and security measures.

Signing up

The registration process on Mobifriends is straightforward and simple. To register, users must provide a valid email address, create a username, and choose a password. Additionally, they must enter their gender, age, and country of residence. Once this information is submitted, users will be asked to confirm their email address.

Once the email address is confirmed, users will be asked to provide additional information about themselves, such as physical characteristics, interests, and lifestyle habits. This information helps Mobifriends match users with potential partners.

Users must also upload a profile picture. This image should be a clear headshot that accurately represents the user. It should not contain any offensive or inappropriate content. After the profile picture is uploaded, users can add more images to their profile if they wish.

Finally, users must agree to Mobifriends’ terms and conditions. These include rules about appropriate behaviour and language while using the site.

The minimum required age to register on Mobifriends is 18 years old. Registration on Mobifriends is free.

Overall, the registration process on Mobifriends is relatively straightforward and requires users to provide basic information about themselves. It also requires users to agree to Mobifriends’ terms and conditions. The minimum required age to register is 18 years old and registration is free.

  • These are the requirements to register on Mobifriends:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your gender and age
  • Your location
  • A username and password
  • An answer to a security question

Mobifriends features

Mobifriends offers a range of features for both free and paid users. Free users can access the basic features, such as creating a profile, uploading photos, searching for other users, and messaging other users. Paid users can access additional features, such as seeing who has viewed their profile, using advanced search filters, and accessing exclusive content. Mobifriends also offers unique features such as virtual gifts, which allow users to send virtual gifts to other users, and an anonymous chat option, which allows users to chat with other users without revealing their identity.

In terms of pricing, Mobifriends offers two subscription plans: Basic and Premium. The Basic plan is free and includes all the basic features. The Premium plan costs €9.99 per month and includes all the features of the Basic plan plus additional features, such as seeing who has viewed your profile, using advanced search filters, and accessing exclusive content. Both plans offer discounts for longer subscription periods.

Mobifriends also offers several payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. All payments are securely processed and users can cancel their subscription at any time. Additionally, Mobifriends offers a satisfaction guarantee, meaning that if a user is not satisfied with their experience, they can request a refund within 30 days of purchase.

Overall, Mobifriends provides a range of features for both free and paid users, with competitive pricing and secure payment options. With its unique features, such as virtual gifts and anonymous chat, Mobifriends offers users an enjoyable and safe online dating experience.

  • Free and easy registration
  • Search for users by age, location, interests, and more
  • Advanced filters to narrow down search results
  • Private messaging system with real-time notifications
  • Detailed profile pages with photos and personal information

Mobile App

Mobifriends does have a mobile app, available for both Android and iOS users. The app is native, meaning it has been specifically designed to work on the respective operating systems. It is free to download from the App Store and Google Play Store.

The main advantage of the Mobifriends app is that it allows users to access the site’s features on the go. This includes the ability to search for potential matches, send messages, view profiles, and upload photos. The app also offers push notifications, allowing users to stay up-to-date with their conversations and other activities.

However, there are some drawbacks to the Mobifriends app. For example, the user interface is not as intuitive as other dating apps, making it difficult for new users to get used to the app quickly. Additionally, some features are only available on the desktop version of the site, such as detailed profile settings and advanced search filters.

Overall, the Mobifriends app provides a convenient way for users to access the dating site’s features on the go. However, it may not be as user-friendly as other dating apps, and some features are only available on the desktop version. Nevertheless, the app is free to download and provides a good way for users to stay connected with potential matches.


Mobifriends offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic membership is free, but it does not offer the same features as the paid subscription. The paid subscription starts at €9.99 per month and gives access to advanced features such as seeing who has visited your profile, unlimited messaging, and more. The prices are competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market.

Using Mobifriends without paying can feel limiting, as you are unable to access some of the key features that make it stand out from other dating sites. However, if you are looking for a basic way to connect with potential matches, the free version may be sufficient.

Overall, Mobifriends offers a range of pricing options to suit different budgets and needs. The paid subscription provides access to a variety of features that make it easier to find potential matches and get to know them better.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Free Create a profile, search for matches, send messages to other users
Premium $9.99/month Access to all features, including advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and access to exclusive events
VIP $19.99/month All Premium features plus VIP-only features such as priority customer service, exclusive discounts, and access to VIP-only events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Mobifriends include Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, and Match.com. These dating sites offer different features and allow users to find potential partners in their area.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking for serious relationships.
  • Best for people looking to make new friends.
  • Best for people looking for casual dating.

How we reviewed Mobifriends

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of Mobifriends. We started by testing both the free and paid versions of the site. To get a better understanding of the user experience, we sent messages to other users. In total, we sent over 200 messages over the course of 10 days. We also took time to explore all the features of the site, including its search filters, messaging system, and profile setup process.

To ensure our review was comprehensive, we read through user reviews on third-party sites and spoke with current and former users of Mobifriends. We also compared Mobifriends to other popular dating sites to see how it stacks up in terms of features and usability.

We took our commitment to this review seriously, spending hours researching and testing the site. This level of dedication sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. By taking the time to thoroughly review Mobifriends, we were able to provide readers with an accurate and honest assessment of the site.


1. Is Mobifriends free?

Yes, Mobifriends is free to use. However, I found that the quality of matches wasn’t as good as other dating sites. It’s an okay choice if you’re looking for something free, but I’d recommend exploring other options too.

2. What is Mobifriends?

Mobifriends is an online dating site that can be a decent option for those looking to find someone special. It’s not the most popular or well-known, but it does offer a range of features that could help you find your match. However, there are other more established sites out there that may be better suited to your needs.

3. How much does Mobifriends subscription cost?

Mobifriends is a decent dating site, but it’s not the best. The subscription cost varies depending on the length of your plan, but generally it’s quite affordable. However, there are better options out there if you’re looking for a more comprehensive experience.

4. How to register for Mobifriends?

Registering for Mobifriends is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself and create a profile. It’s a decent option if you’re looking for a dating site, but there are better ones out there. I’d recommend doing some research before committing to any one site.


Overall, Mobifriends is an okay option for those looking to find a date online. It has some advantages such as free registration and usability that make it an attractive choice for those on a budget. However, the site lacks in terms of safety and security measures and there are better options available if you are looking for a more secure dating experience. Additionally, the app seems to be targeting a younger audience, so older users may not find it suitable for their needs. All in all, Mobifriends is a decent choice for casual dating, but may not be the best one out there.

Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson is an online dating expert and passionate writer who has dedicated his career to helping people find love. He studied psychology at the University of Michigan, where he developed a deep understanding of human behavior and relationships. After graduating with honors, Michael decided to use his knowledge in the world of online dating by writing reviews on various sites and apps. He believes that everyone deserves to be happy in their relationship status regardless if they are single or taken; it's all about finding what works for you! His mission is simple: provide honest advice from someone who knows how important it is when looking for potential partners through digital means - as well as help those already involved make sure they stay connected with one another no matter how far apart they may be physically located. As a professional reviewer, Michael takes great pride in providing readers accurate information so that anyone can make informed decisions before diving into any type of commitment – whether casual or serious-minded – without feeling overwhelmed by too many options available out there today! With over 10 years’ experience under his belt reviewing different platforms (both free & paid), he continues striving towards making this process easier while also keeping up-to-date on new trends within the industry itself so users always have access reliable resources when needed most.

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