Home » 2023 Waplog Review: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 Waplog Review: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Great for finding people in your area
  • Quickly connects you with other singles
  • Offers a variety of search options
  • Profile pictures are visible to all users
  • Limited options for profile customization.
  • Messaging can be slow and unreliable.
  • Not enough active users in some areas.

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Waplog is the dating site for you! But don’t just take our word for it. We’re here to give you an honest review of this popular online dating platform. So, what makes Waplog so special? Is it worth your time and money? Read on to find out!


If you’re looking for a dating site that stands out from the rest, Waplog is your best bet. It’s like a breath of fresh air compared to all the other dating sites out there. With its unique features and easy-to-use interface, it’s no wonder why so many people are flocking to Waplog. Plus, the fact that it’s free makes it even more appealing! You can easily find potential matches based on location, interests, and lifestyle, so you know you’ll be able to find someone who’s compatible with you. And if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed by all the options, the chat feature is great for narrowing down your choices. All in all, Waplog is an awesome way to meet new people and find love. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try today!

How Does Waplog Work?

Waplog is an online dating platform that helps people find their perfect match. It provides users with a safe and secure environment to meet new people, make friends, and even find love. Waplog has a user-friendly interface and a large community of singles from all over the world.

The platform offers a variety of features to help users find their ideal partner. Users can search for potential matches based on age, location, interests, and more. They can also view other members’ profiles and photos, send messages, and use advanced filters to narrow down their search. Additionally, Waplog offers a chatroom feature where users can interact with each other in real-time.

In addition to its search and communication features, Waplog also provides users with safety tips and advice on how to stay safe while using the platform. The site also offers an anonymous messaging feature which allows users to remain anonymous when sending messages. This ensures that users can maintain their privacy while still engaging in meaningful conversations.

Overall, Waplog is a great option for those looking for a safe and secure way to meet new people and find their perfect match. With its wide range of features, Waplog makes it easy for users to find their ideal partner and start building meaningful relationships.

Design & Usability

Waplog has a modern and attractive design, with its primary colors being blue and white. The overall look of the site is clean and uncluttered, making it easy to navigate. It is also highly intuitive, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. The user interface is simple and straightforward, allowing users to easily access the various features of the site.

The main page of Waplog displays all the necessary information in an organized manner, including the user’s profile, messages, notifications, and more. The search bar at the top of the page allows users to quickly find other users who match their criteria. The messaging system is also easy to use, with options for sending text messages, photos, and videos.

Users can also access additional features by purchasing a paid subscription. These features include advanced search filters, private chat rooms, and exclusive content. The UI improvements that come with a paid subscription make it easier to find potential matches and interact with them.

Overall, Waplog has an excellent design and usability. The layout is well-organized and easy to understand, while the features are intuitive and user-friendly. With a paid subscription, users can take advantage of even more features and UI improvements, making it even easier to find potential matches and interact with them.

Waplog features

Waplog offers both free and paid features for its users. The free version includes basic functionalities such as creating a profile, uploading photos, searching for matches, and sending messages. The paid version adds additional features like viewing who visited your profile, using advanced search filters, and getting highlighted in search results. Waplog also offers unique features like video chat, live streaming, and a “Date” tab that allows users to quickly find potential dates in their area.

The pricing of Waplog is divided into two plans: Basic and Premium. The Basic plan costs $19.99 per month and includes all the features mentioned above. The Premium plan costs $29.99 per month and adds the ability to see who likes you, hide your profile from certain users, and get more visibility in search results. Both plans offer discounts if you choose to pay for a longer period of time.

Waplog also offers an extra service called “Boost” which allows users to increase their visibility on the platform by appearing in the top of search results. Boost is available for both Basic and Premium users and can be purchased separately for $9.99 per month.

Overall, Waplog provides a wide range of features at an affordable price. The Basic plan is perfect for those who want to test out the platform before committing to a longer subscription. The Premium plan is ideal for those who are looking for more features and visibility. The Boost service is a great way to get more attention from potential matches.

  • Match System: Waplog uses an advanced match system to help users find compatible partners.
  • Chat & Messaging: Users can communicate with each other via chat and messaging features.
  • Photo Sharing: Users can share photos with their matches and other users.
  • Video Calling: Waplog offers video calling for users to get to know each other better.
  • Location-Based Search: Waplog allows users to search for potential matches based on their location.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating. Waplog is a popular dating site that takes this responsibility seriously. The site offers various measures to ensure the safety and security of its users.

Waplog has an advanced verification system for users. It uses AI technology to detect bots and fake accounts, and also requires users to verify their identity via email or phone number. This helps ensure that only real people are using the site. Additionally, Waplog also offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts.

The photos uploaded by users on Waplog are manually reviewed by moderators to ensure they comply with the site’s terms and conditions. Furthermore, Waplog also has a strict privacy policy in place to protect user data. All personal information is kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties without the user’s consent.

In terms of safety and security, Waplog excels in many areas. It has a comprehensive verification system, two-step verification, manual photo review, and a robust privacy policy. All these measures help ensure that Waplog is a safe and secure environment for its users.

Signing up

The registration process on Waplog is straightforward and simple. To get started, users must first enter their gender, age, and location. The minimum required age to register on the website is 18 years old. After providing this information, users will be asked to create a username and password. Once this is done, they will be asked to provide an email address and confirm it. After confirming the email address, users will be asked to upload a profile picture. This is optional but recommended as it helps other users recognize them.

Once the profile picture is uploaded, users will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire about themselves. This includes questions about their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle. Users can also add additional information such as their height, body type, ethnicity, religion, and more. Once the questionnaire is completed, users will be asked to verify their account by entering a verification code sent to their email address.

After verifying their account, users will be able to start using Waplog. They can browse other user profiles, send messages, and use the various features of the website. Registration on Waplog is free and users do not need to pay any fees to use the website.

Overall, the registration process on Waplog is simple and straightforward. It requires users to provide basic information such as their gender, age, location, and email address. They must also complete a short questionnaire about themselves and verify their account. Once this is done, users can start using the website for free.

  • To register on Waplog, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location (country and city)

User Profiles

Waplog user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the platform. It is possible to set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. Each profile includes location information such as city, country, and time zone. This information cannot be hidden, however users can choose to hide their exact location from other users. There is no indication of the distance between users.

Premium subscription offers several benefits for users with upgraded profiles. These include an increased visibility in search results, access to more advanced search filters, and the ability to view who has visited your profile.

Waplog takes steps to ensure that fake profiles are kept to a minimum. All new profiles must be verified via email or phone number before they can be used. Additionally, Waplog has implemented a strict anti-spam policy to prevent fraudulent accounts from being created.

One feature that sets Waplog apart from its competitors is its “Match Me” feature. This allows users to select criteria such as age, gender, and interests to find potential matches. This feature helps users to quickly and easily find people who share similar interests and values.

Overall, Waplog offers a comprehensive user profile system that allows users to easily find potential matches. With its “Match Me” feature, Waplog stands out from the competition by helping users quickly and easily find people who share similar interests and values.

Mobile App

Waplog does have a mobile app, available for both iOS and Android. The app is native, meaning it was designed specifically for the mobile platform, and it is free to download.

The Waplog mobile app offers many of the same features as the website, such as the ability to search for potential matches, chat with other users, and upload photos. It also has a few unique features, such as the ability to send virtual gifts and check out who has visited your profile.

One of the main advantages of the Waplog mobile app is that it is easy to use and navigate. The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to find what you are looking for. Additionally, the app is constantly being updated with new features and bug fixes, ensuring that users always have access to the latest version.

However, there are some drawbacks to the Waplog mobile app. For one, the app does not offer all of the features that are available on the website. Additionally, the app can be slow at times, and it can be difficult to find certain features.

Overall, the Waplog mobile app is a great way to stay connected with other users while on the go. While it may not offer all of the features of the website, it still provides a convenient way to stay in touch with potential matches.

Help & Support

Users can access the support of Waplog in a few different ways. The first is through the contact form on their website. Users can fill out the form with their name, email address, and a brief description of their issue. Waplog will then respond to the user’s inquiry within a few hours.

Another way users can access support is by sending an email directly to Waplog’s customer service team. This option allows users to provide more detailed information about their issue. Waplog’s customer service team will typically respond to emails within 24 hours.

Finally, Waplog also has a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to some of the most common questions that users have about the dating site. It covers topics such as account setup, profile creation, and payment methods.

I have contacted Waplog’s customer service team a couple of times, and each time I received a helpful response within a few hours. They were able to answer my questions quickly and efficiently.

Overall, Waplog provides a variety of ways for users to access support. Whether it’s through the contact form, email, or FAQs page, users can get help with any issues they may have with the dating site. Waplog’s customer service team is always available to answer questions and provide assistance.


Waplog offers a variety of pricing options for its users. The basic membership is free, allowing you to create a profile and search for potential matches. However, if you want to unlock additional features such as messaging, video chat, and unlimited profile views, you can upgrade to a paid subscription. Prices range from $9.99 per month to $19.99 per month depending on the length of your subscription.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription include access to all features, increased visibility in search results, and the ability to view who has liked your profile. Waplog also offers an array of additional services such as virtual gifts, private photo albums, and profile verification.

In terms of pricing, Waplog is competitive with other dating sites on the market. While the free version does offer some basic features, it is limited compared to the full experience that a paid subscription provides. Additionally, the cost of a paid subscription is relatively low when compared to other dating sites.

Overall, Waplog provides a great option for those looking for an online dating experience. With its competitive pricing and wide range of features, it is a great choice for those looking for a convenient and affordable way to meet new people.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Free Send messages, browse profiles, add friends, view photos
Premium $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, see who likes you, view private photos
VIP $19.99/month Priority customer service, VIP profile badge, anonymous browsing, no ads

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Waplog include OkCupid, Match.com, and Plenty of Fish. These sites are all popular dating platforms that offer a variety of features for users to find potential partners.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking for serious relationships.
  • Best for people looking to make new friends.
  • Best for people looking for casual dating.

How we reviewed Waplog

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into Waplog to review it thoroughly. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users to get a feel for how the site works. Over the course of several days, we sent over 200 messages and spent countless hours using the platform.

We also took time to analyze the features available on Waplog, such as the search filters, chat options, and profile customization tools. We made sure to test out all the features in detail, so that our readers would have a complete understanding of what the site has to offer.

In addition, we conducted extensive research into the user base of Waplog. We looked at the demographics of the people who use the site, as well as their success rate when it comes to finding matches. This gave us an insight into the type of people who are likely to find success on the platform.

Finally, we made sure to provide our readers with an honest and unbiased opinion about Waplog. We didn’t let our personal opinions cloud our judgement, and instead focused on providing our readers with an objective assessment of the site. Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed reviews.


1. Is Waplog free?

Yes, Waplog is free! I’ve been using it for a while now and it’s great. It’s easy to use and has lots of features that make it a great online dating site.

2. What is Waplog?

Waplog is an awesome online dating site that makes it easy to meet new people. It’s got a great interface and lots of features to help you find your perfect match. I’ve had some great experiences with Waplog and would definitely recommend it!

3. Is Waplog any good?

Yes, Waplog is great! I’ve had a really positive experience with it – the interface is easy to use and the matching algorithm is spot on. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for a reliable dating site.

4. How to cancel subscription on Waplog?

Cancelling my subscription on Waplog was easy and straightforward. I simply logged into my account, clicked on the settings tab and found the option to cancel my subscription. I’m glad that Waplog made it so simple and convenient for me to cancel my subscription. Overall, I had a great experience with Waplog and would recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating site.


Overall, Waplog is a great option for anyone looking to meet new people and find potential partners. It has an easy-to-use interface, secure registration process, and reasonable pricing that make it stand out from other dating sites. Waplog also puts safety and security first, making sure that all users are verified and monitored. The site is perfect for singles of all ages, backgrounds, and orientations who are looking for a safe and reliable way to meet someone special. With its wide range of features and options, Waplog is a great choice for anyone looking for love.

Amelia Murphy

Amelia Murphy is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She began her career as a matchmaker, but soon found that the world of online dating was in need of someone to help guide people through it all. With this realization, Amelia set out on a mission to become the go-to source for honest and reliable reviews about different sites and apps available today. Her passion lies in providing helpful advice so others can make informed decisions when looking into potential matches or new platforms they want to explore. To further hone her skillset, she obtained degrees from both Stanford University and Columbia College Chicago where she studied psychology with an emphasis on relationships dynamics - giving her even more insight into how people interact within the digital realm of romance!                                                                                                                                                          Amelia's drive comes from wanting everyone to have access to quality information before diving headfirst into any sort of commitment – whether it be long term or short lived; something serious or just casual fun – there are plenty options out there these days which makes understanding them important if you don't want your heart broken (or wallet drained). Her writing style is direct yet entertaining while still managing remain educational at its core making sure readers walk away feeling like they've learned something valuable without being overwhelmed by too much technical jargon..

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