Home » 2023 Review: Is WhatsYourPrice Worth Trying?

2023 Review: Is WhatsYourPrice Worth Trying?

  • It’s an easy way to meet people who are interested in the same things as you.
  • It’s a great way to quickly find someone with similar interests and values.
  • You can be sure that all members are serious about finding a relationship.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who is serious about a relationship.
  • It can be seen as an exchange of money for companionship, which may not be comfortable for everyone.
  • The site does not have any screening process, so there is no guarantee of safety.

Are you tired of the same old dating sites? Ready to try something new and exciting? Well, if you’re looking for a unique way to meet someone special, then you should check out WhatsYourPrice! This revolutionary dating site has taken the world by storm, and we’re here to give you the scoop. What makes it so different? How does it work? And is it really worth your time? Keep reading to find out!


Ah, WhatsYourPrice. It’s not the best dating spot out there, but it’s definitely an okay choice. It’s like the middle child of online dating sites: not as flashy as some of the others, but still worth considering. Plus, it’s unique in that it lets you set a price for a date, which can be a fun way to spice up your dating life. Just don’t expect to find your soulmate here – it’s more of a casual dating site than anything else. All in all, if you’re looking for something a little different and don’t mind putting a price tag on your dates, then WhatsYourPrice is worth checking out.

How Does WhatsYourPrice Work?

WhatsYourPrice is an online dating platform that allows members to buy and sell dates. It works by allowing users to name their own price for a date, which other users can then accept or decline. The user who names the price is known as the “Generous” member, while the user who accepts the offer is known as the “Attractive” member. Once the Attractive member accepts the offer, they will receive the money from the Generous member.

WhatsYourPrice has a few key features that make it stand out from other dating sites. For example, the site offers a verification process that requires users to submit a valid ID in order to join. This helps to ensure that all users are genuine and not fake profiles. Additionally, WhatsYourPrice offers a “Date Now” feature, which allows users to quickly arrange a date with someone they are interested in.

While WhatsYourPrice may seem like an interesting concept, it is important to note that it is not a good option for those looking for meaningful relationships. Since the platform is based on paying for dates, it does not foster the kind of connection that comes from getting to know someone through conversation and shared experiences. Furthermore, it can be seen as exploitative and unethical, as it encourages people to use money to attract potential partners.

WhatsYourPrice features

WhatsYourPrice offers both free and paid features for its users. The free features include the ability to browse through profiles, send winks, and read messages from other members. Paid features include sending unlimited messages, seeing who viewed your profile, and getting priority customer support. Additionally, WhatsYourPrice has a unique feature that allows users to bid on dates with potential matches. This feature sets it apart from other dating sites, as it provides an easy way to get to know someone without having to commit to a full date right away.

The pricing structure of WhatsYourPrice is straightforward and simple. It offers two subscription plans: Basic and Premium. The Basic plan costs $50 per month and includes all the free features plus the ability to send unlimited messages, see who viewed your profile, and get priority customer support. The Premium plan costs $75 per month and adds the ability to bid on dates with potential matches.

In addition to the subscription plans, WhatsYourPrice also offers several payment options. Users can pay via credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer. All payments are securely processed and encrypted to ensure user safety and privacy.

Overall, WhatsYourPrice is a great option for those looking for a dating site with unique features. Its pricing structure is straightforward and affordable, making it accessible to people of all budgets. With its wide range of features and payment options, WhatsYourPrice is a great choice for anyone looking for an online dating experience.

  • Secure and anonymous messaging system
  • Ability to filter potential dates by criteria such as age, location, interests, etc.
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and authenticity
  • Option to set a “price” for a date
  • Advanced search tools to find compatible matches

User Profiles

WhatsYourPrice user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. However, users can set a custom bio to give more information about themselves. The location info is also included in the profile, but it is possible to hide it. There is no indication of the distance between the users, however, there are benefits for a profile with a premium subscription.

The profile includes basic information such as age, gender, height, body type, ethnicity, relationship status, religion, and education level. It also includes photos, a description of the user, and a list of interests. Users can also add their occupation, income, and lifestyle choices.

In addition to this, WhatsYourPrice offers a premium subscription which gives users access to additional features. These include the ability to view who has visited your profile, advanced search filters, and unlimited messaging. Premium members also have the option to make their profile more visible to other users.

Although there are many real profiles on WhatsYourPrice, there are also some fake profiles. These profiles often use stock images or stolen photos and may not contain any information about the user. It is important to be aware of these profiles and take steps to protect yourself from them.

Overall, WhatsYourPrice user profiles provide a good amount of information about the user. The location info can be hidden if desired, and the premium subscription provides additional features that can help make the profile more visible. Although there are some fake profiles, they can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and this is especially true for WhatsYourPrice. As a dating site, it is essential that users feel safe and secure while using the platform.

WhatsYourPrice has several verification processes in place to ensure that users are who they say they are. All photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate and meet the standards of the site. In addition, the site also uses algorithms to detect and block bots and fake accounts. Furthermore, there is a two-step verification option available for users who want an extra layer of security.

The privacy policy of WhatsYourPrice is also very clear and transparent. The site does not share any personal information with third parties without the user’s explicit consent. It also has measures in place to protect users from unsolicited messages or contact requests.

While WhatsYourPrice does have a number of safety and security measures in place, there is still room for improvement. For example, the site could offer more detailed guidance on how to stay safe while using the platform. Additionally, it could provide more comprehensive resources for reporting suspicious activity or behavior. Finally, the site could introduce more robust verification processes for users, such as phone number or ID verification.

Overall, WhatsYourPrice takes safety and security seriously and has a number of measures in place to ensure that users feel safe and secure while using the platform. However, there is still room for improvement, and the site should continue to invest in its safety and security protocols.

Help & Support

Users can access the support of WhatsYourPrice by submitting a request through their website. The response time is usually within 24 hours, but it can take longer depending on the complexity of the issue. Additionally, there is a page with frequently asked questions that users can consult for quick answers to common issues.

I have contacted the support team a couple of times and the response was good. However, the response did take a while, so I suggest being patient when waiting for a reply. The customer service representatives are friendly and knowledgeable, and they are willing to help with any issue.

The main way to contact the support team is by submitting a request through the website. This form requires basic information such as name, email address, and the nature of the issue. Once the form is submitted, the user will receive an automated response confirming that the request has been received. After that, the support team will review the request and respond accordingly.

In addition to the request form, users can also contact the support team via email or phone. The email address and phone number can be found on the website. The response time is usually within 24 hours, but it can take longer depending on the complexity of the issue.

Overall, users can access the support of WhatsYourPrice by submitting a request through their website, emailing the support team, or calling them. The response time is usually within 24 hours, but it can take longer depending on the complexity of the issue. Additionally, there is a page with frequently asked questions that users can consult for quick answers to common issues.

Mobile App

WhatsYourPrice does not have a mobile app. This is surprising considering that the majority of dating sites now offer an app for users to access their services on the go. It could be that WhatsYourPrice has chosen to focus its efforts on the desktop version of the site, or it may be that the company has not yet been able to develop a mobile app.

The lack of a mobile app means that users of WhatsYourPrice are limited to using the desktop version of the site. This can be inconvenient for those who prefer to use their mobile devices for online activities. Additionally, a mobile app would allow users to access the site more quickly and easily than they can with the desktop version. Furthermore, a mobile app could provide additional features such as push notifications and the ability to chat with other users in real-time.

A mobile app would also make it easier for WhatsYourPrice to reach a wider audience. Mobile apps are often more popular than desktop versions of websites, and having an app could help WhatsYourPrice attract more users. Additionally, a mobile app could help the company monetize its services by offering in-app purchases or subscriptions.

Unfortunately, WhatsYourPrice does not currently have a mobile app. It is unclear why the company has not yet developed one, but it is likely due to the cost and effort associated with creating a mobile app. Additionally, the company may not have the resources to develop and maintain an app.

In conclusion, WhatsYourPrice does not have a mobile app. This is unfortunate as a mobile app could provide users with a more convenient way to access the site and could help the company reach a wider audience. However, it is understandable why the company has not yet developed an app, as the cost and effort associated with creating and maintaining a mobile app can be significant.

Design & Usability

WhatsYourPrice has a modern and attractive design with a color palette of mostly blues, whites, and greys. The website is easy to navigate and all the features are clearly laid out. The homepage is clean and minimalistic, with the main focus being on the search bar. It’s simple to use and you can quickly find what you’re looking for.

The profile page is also well-designed and easy to use. All the important information is clearly displayed, including photos, interests, and location. There are also helpful tabs at the top of the page that allow you to quickly switch between different sections.

The messaging system is also well-designed and intuitive. You can easily send messages, start conversations, and keep track of your conversations. You can also upload photos and videos to share with other users.

The site also offers some UI improvements if you purchase a paid subscription. These include an ad-free experience, more detailed search options, and access to premium features such as unlimited messaging and priority customer support.

Overall, WhatsYourPrice has a modern and attractive design that makes it easy to use. The layout is intuitive and the features are clearly laid out. The messaging system is also well-designed and allows you to easily communicate with other users. Additionally, there are some UI improvements available if you purchase a paid subscription.

Signing up

WhatsYourPrice is a dating website that allows users to buy and sell dates. The registration process on the website is simple and straightforward.

The first step is to create an account by providing basic information such as name, gender, age, email address, and password. Users must be at least 18 years old to register.

Once the account is created, users can then proceed to the profile setup page. Here they will need to provide additional information about themselves such as their location, ethnicity, body type, height, and marital status. They can also upload a profile picture.

After completing the profile setup, users are asked to verify their email address. This is done by clicking on a link sent to the email address provided during registration. Once the email is verified, users can access the website and start using it.

On the next page, users are asked to provide more information about themselves, such as their occupation, income, interests, and hobbies. This helps the website match users with potential dates who have similar interests.

Finally, users are asked to provide payment information. This is optional and users can choose to skip this step if they wish. Payment information is required for those who want to use the website’s premium features or purchase credits.

Overall, the registration process on WhatsYourPrice is quick and easy. It takes only a few minutes to complete and requires minimal information. Registration is free and users must be at least 18 years old to join.

  • In order to register on WhatsYourPrice, the following items are required:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • An account password
  • Agreement to the terms and conditions of the site
  • Payment information (if applicable)


WhatsYourPrice is a dating site that allows users to bid on potential dates. The site offers a paid subscription option, which provides access to additional features such as seeing who has viewed your profile and sending unlimited messages. Prices for the subscription vary depending on the length of the plan, ranging from $20 for one month to $120 for six months. The prices are competitive when compared to other similar services on the market.

Users can also use WhatsYourPrice without paying, but this limits their access to certain features. For example, non-paying users can only send one message per day, and they cannot see who has viewed their profile. Additionally, non-paying users have fewer search options available. This makes it more difficult to find matches compared to other dating sites.

Overall, WhatsYourPrice offers an interesting way to connect with potential dates. With a paid subscription, users can take advantage of all the features and increase their chances of finding a match. However, if you don’t want to pay, you can still use the site, although it may be more difficult to find someone.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $20/month Unlimited messaging, access to profiles of other members, and ability to make offers.
Premium $50/month All Basic features plus access to advanced search filters, priority messaging, and VIP profile badge.
VIP $100/month All Premium features plus access to exclusive events, priority customer service, and unlimited profile views.

Similar Sites

Other dating sites such as Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid offer a more traditional approach to online dating, allowing users to connect with potential partners through profiles and messaging. Additionally, many cities have local dating events and meetup groups that provide an opportunity to meet people in person.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking for a casual relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone quickly and easily.
  • Best for people who don’t have the time or energy to invest in traditional dating methods.

How we reviewed WhatsYourPrice

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a thorough process to review WhatsYourPrice. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site and sent messages to other users. Over the course of two weeks, we sent over 200 messages to different users to get a feel for how the site works. We also took the time to explore all the features of the site, from the search filters to the messaging system.

We also took into account user feedback and reviews, which gave us an idea of what people liked and disliked about the site. We looked at the overall design of the site, including its navigation and user interface. We also made sure to test out the mobile version of the site to make sure it was as easy to use as the desktop version.

To ensure that our review was as comprehensive as possible, we also spoke with customer service representatives to get their perspective on the site. This gave us an inside look at how the site works and what customers can expect when using it.

Finally, we spent several days testing out the site’s payment system to make sure it was secure and reliable. We also made sure to read the terms and conditions of the site so that we could provide our readers with accurate information.

Our commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such detailed reviews. We wanted to make sure that our readers had all the information they needed to make an informed decision about whether or not WhatsYourPrice is the right dating site for them.


1. Is WhatsYourPrice worth it?

I’ve tried WhatsYourPrice and it’s not a bad option. It’s a decent choice if you’re looking for something casual, but I wouldn’t recommend it as the best dating site out there. It’s worth checking out, but you might find better options elsewhere.

2. Can you delete your WhatsYourPrice account?

Yes, you can delete your WhatsYourPrice account. It’s a good option if you’re looking for something quick and easy, but it’s not the best choice if you’re looking for something more serious. Ultimately, it depends on what you’re looking for in a dating site.

3. Does WhatsYourPrice have a mobile app?

No, WhatsYourPrice doesn’t have a mobile app. It’s still a good option for online dating but there are other sites that offer more features and convenience through their apps. If you’re looking for a dating site with a mobile app, you may want to look elsewhere.

4. How to cancel subscription on WhatsYourPrice?

Cancelling a subscription on WhatsYourPrice is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is go to your account settings and click the ‘cancel subscription’ button. While it’s a decent dating site, there are other options out there that might be better suited for you. Do some research and find one that works best for you.


Overall, WhatsYourPrice is an okay option among other dating sites. It offers a unique approach to the traditional online dating experience and allows users to bid on dates with potential partners. However, it may not be the best choice for those looking for a serious relationship as it tends to attract people who are only interested in casual dating. Furthermore, the app’s safety and security features are not as comprehensive as some of its competitors, and its pricing can be quite expensive. Additionally, registration and usability can be a bit complicated for those who are not tech-savvy. Therefore, this app is more suitable for people who are looking for a quick and easy way to find a date and are willing to pay for it.

Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson is an online dating expert and passionate writer who has dedicated his career to helping people find love. He studied psychology at the University of Michigan, where he developed a deep understanding of human behavior and relationships. After graduating with honors, Michael decided to use his knowledge in the world of online dating by writing reviews on various sites and apps. He believes that everyone deserves to be happy in their relationship status regardless if they are single or taken; it's all about finding what works for you! His mission is simple: provide honest advice from someone who knows how important it is when looking for potential partners through digital means - as well as help those already involved make sure they stay connected with one another no matter how far apart they may be physically located. As a professional reviewer, Michael takes great pride in providing readers accurate information so that anyone can make informed decisions before diving into any type of commitment – whether casual or serious-minded – without feeling overwhelmed by too many options available out there today! With over 10 years’ experience under his belt reviewing different platforms (both free & paid), he continues striving towards making this process easier while also keeping up-to-date on new trends within the industry itself so users always have access reliable resources when needed most.

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