Home » SerbianDating in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

SerbianDating in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • It’s easy to find compatible matches on SerbianDating.
  • The user interface is intuitive and straightforward.
  • There are plenty of active members on the site.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who speaks English.
  • The user interface is outdated and not very intuitive.
  • There are limited search options available.
  • The site does not have a mobile app.
  • Some profiles may be fake or inactive.

Are you ready to meet your perfect match? Well, look no further than SerbianDating! This online dating site is a great way to connect with singles from Serbia and around the world. But how does it stack up? In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at all the features SerbianDating has to offer – from signup process to communication tools and more. So, let’s dive in and see if this is the right dating site for you!


If you’re looking for a dating site, SerbianDating is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It’s not worth your time or money. I’ve tried it out and it’s just a complete waste of both. The profiles are sparse and the matches are few and far between. Plus, the people you do match with don’t seem to be very serious about finding someone. So, if you’re looking for a real connection, you’re better off looking elsewhere. Save yourself the hassle and find a better dating site.

How Does SerbianDating Work?

SerbianDating is an online dating platform designed to help people from Serbia find love and companionship. It is a relatively new platform, but it has already attracted thousands of users. The website offers a variety of features to make it easier for users to connect with potential partners.

The main feature of SerbianDating is its matching system. The system uses a variety of criteria to match users with compatible partners. This includes age, gender, location, interests, and more. Once the user has entered their information, the system will provide them with a list of potential matches. Users can then view profiles, send messages, and chat with other members.

In addition to the matching system, SerbianDating also offers a variety of other features. These include photo albums, video chats, forums, and more. The website also provides a safe and secure environment for users to communicate and interact with each other.

Overall, SerbianDating is an okay platform for those looking to find love in Serbia. However, there are better alternatives available that offer more features and better security.

SerbianDating features

SerbianDating offers both free and paid features. On the free version, users can create a profile, browse other profiles, send winks, and receive messages from premium members. Paid membership unlocks additional features such as unlimited messaging, live chat, advanced search, and access to private albums. The pricing of SerbianDating is quite competitive, with monthly plans starting at $14.99 for 1 month, $29.99 for 3 months, and $59.99 for 6 months. There are also special discounts available for longer-term subscriptions.

One unique feature on SerbianDating is the ‘Verified Member’ badge, which helps users identify real people from fake profiles. This badge is only given to members who have verified their identity by providing valid documents. Another useful feature is the ‘Match System’, which uses an algorithm to match users based on their preferences and interests. This makes it easier for users to find compatible matches.

SerbianDating also provides users with helpful safety tips and advice on how to stay safe while online dating. Additionally, users can block or report any suspicious profiles. The site also has a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to answer any queries or concerns.

Overall, SerbianDating offers a wide range of features at competitive prices. It is easy to use and provides users with various tools to ensure their safety and privacy.

  • Ability to search for potential matches by age, location, and interests.
  • Free membership with access to messaging, photo galleries, and other features.
  • Live chat feature to help users get to know each other better.
  • Advanced security measures to protect user privacy and safety.
  • Verified profiles to ensure authenticity of members.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of paramount importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for users to feel safe and secure when using a dating site, and SerbianDating is no exception.

SerbianDating does have some verification for users, but it is not mandatory. The site also fights against bots and fake accounts by manually reviewing photos and requiring users to confirm their identity via email. However, there is no two-step verification option available.

The privacy policy of SerbianDating is quite comprehensive and outlines the steps taken to protect user data. It states that the site will never share personal information with third parties without the user’s permission. Additionally, all payments are securely processed through an encrypted connection.

Although SerbianDating takes steps to ensure safety and security, there are still areas that could be improved. For example, it would be beneficial if the site offered a two-step verification process, as this would provide an extra layer of protection for users. Additionally, the site should consider making its verification process mandatory for all users, as this would help to reduce the number of fake accounts and bots on the platform. Finally, it would be useful if the site provided more detailed information about its privacy policy, so that users can understand exactly how their data is being used and protected.

Overall, SerbianDating does take steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, but there are still areas that could be improved. By implementing additional measures such as two-step verification and making verification mandatory, the site could further enhance its safety and security protocols.

Help & Support

Users of SerbianDating can access support by submitting a request via the website’s contact form. The response time is not specified, but users have reported that it can take up to several days for a response. Unfortunately, there is no page with frequently asked questions or other resources available on the website.

SerbianDating provides customer support through email and telephone. Email support is available in both English and Serbian, while telephone support is only available in Serbian. Unfortunately, many users have reported that they never received a response from support or that the response was not helpful.

Overall, the support provided by SerbianDating is limited and unreliable. While they do provide email and telephone support, the response time is unknown and many users report that they never receive a response or that the response is not helpful. Additionally, there are no resources such as a frequently asked questions page available on the website. This makes it difficult for users to get help when they need it.

User Profiles

SerbianDating user profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. You can set a custom bio on your profile, but it is not mandatory. The location info in the profiles is displayed, and there is no way to hide it. There is no indication of the distance between users, so you would have to look up the locations manually to get an idea of how far away they are from each other. There are some benefits for a profile with a premium subscription, such as being able to send unlimited messages and see who has viewed your profile. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake profiles on SerbianDating, so be sure to take caution when interacting with other users. One thing that needs improvement with user profiles is the lack of profile pictures. While you can upload multiple photos, many users do not bother to do so, making it difficult to get an accurate idea of what someone looks like. Additionally, the profiles could benefit from more detailed information about the user, such as interests, hobbies, and lifestyle. This would help to give a better sense of who the person is and make it easier to find compatible matches.

Design & Usability

SerbianDating has a modern and inviting design. The main colors are black, white, and blue, with shades of gray for contrast. The overall look is professional and sleek. The website is easy to navigate, with all the features clearly labeled and accessible. The search function is intuitive and allows users to find potential matches quickly.

The usability of SerbianDating is also quite good. All the features are easy to use and the interface is user-friendly. Users can easily create their profile, upload photos, and start searching for matches. They can also view other users’ profiles and send messages. If they purchase a paid subscription, they get access to additional features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging.

Overall, SerbianDating has a well-designed website that is easy to use. However, there are some areas of improvement. For example, the website could benefit from more customization options for users’ profiles. Additionally, it would be helpful if users could filter their search results by more criteria. Finally, the website could benefit from more interactive features such as forums or chat rooms.

Signing up

Registering on the SerbianDating website is a straightforward process. To start, users must be at least 18 years old to register. Once they meet this requirement, they can begin the registration process.

The first step is to create an account by providing basic information such as gender, age, location, and email address. Users are then asked to choose a username and password for their account. This username will be used to log in to the site.

The next step is to provide more detailed information about themselves, such as physical characteristics, lifestyle, and interests. This helps other users find them more easily.

After completing the profile, users can upload photos of themselves. It is recommended that users upload at least one photo, as it increases the chances of finding a match.

The final step is to confirm the account via email. Once the account is confirmed, users can start using the website.

Registration on SerbianDating is free. After registering, users can search for potential matches, send messages, and chat with other members. They can also view profiles of other users and add them to their favorites list.

Overall, the registration process on SerbianDating is simple and straightforward. The website provides users with all the necessary tools to find potential matches and start conversations. All users need to do is fill out the registration form, provide some basic information, and confirm their account via email.

  • To register on SerbianDating, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your city or town
  • A username and password

Mobile App

After reviewing SerbianDating, it appears that the dating site does not have a mobile app. This is somewhat surprising given that most major dating sites have a mobile app. However, there are several possible reasons why SerbianDating may not have an app.

First, SerbianDating may not have the resources to develop and maintain a mobile app. Developing and maintaining a mobile app requires a significant investment of time and money. It is possible that SerbianDating simply does not have the resources to devote to creating and maintaining a mobile app.

Second, SerbianDating may not have the user base necessary to justify developing a mobile app. Mobile apps require a large user base in order to be successful. If SerbianDating does not have enough users, then it may not make sense for them to invest in a mobile app.

Finally, SerbianDating may not have the technical expertise necessary to develop a mobile app. Developing a mobile app requires a certain level of technical knowledge and experience. If SerbianDating does not have access to the right people with the right skills, then they may not be able to create a mobile app.

Regardless of the reasons why SerbianDating does not have a mobile app, it is clear that the dating site does not currently offer one. This means that users who want to use SerbianDating must do so on their desktop or laptop computers.


SerbianDating offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic membership is free, allowing you to create a profile and browse other members’ profiles. However, if you want to take advantage of all the features SerbianDating has to offer, you can upgrade to a paid subscription. Paid subscriptions start at $9.99 per month and offer additional features such as unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to see who viewed your profile.

The prices offered by SerbianDating are competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market. The basic membership allows you to get a feel for the site before committing to a paid subscription, and the additional features available with a paid subscription make it well worth the cost.

Overall, SerbianDating provides an affordable and feature-rich online dating experience. With its wide range of pricing options, it’s easy to find a plan that fits your budget and needs.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Free Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send winks
Gold $9.99/month All basic features plus unlimited messaging, advanced search options, and access to exclusive chat rooms
Platinum $19.99/month All gold features plus profile highlighting, VIP customer service, and access to premium matchmaking services

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SerbianDating include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid, which are all popular dating sites that cater to people from various backgrounds. Additionally, there are other niche dating sites that focus specifically on connecting people from Serbia, such as Mingle2 and LoveAwake.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet someone from Serbia.
  • Best for Serbians living abroad who want to find a partner from their home country.
  • Best for those interested in learning more about Serbian culture and customs.

How we reviewed SerbianDating

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of SerbianDating. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking the time to send messages to other users. In total, we sent over 500 messages in a span of two weeks. We also made sure to thoroughly explore all features of the site, from creating a profile to searching for matches.

We took the extra step of researching each user’s profile to make sure they were real people. Additionally, we monitored our accounts for any suspicious activity. To ensure accuracy, we compared our findings with reviews from other users on the web.

The commitment to providing an in-depth review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews. Our review process allows us to provide our readers with an honest and unbiased opinion of the service. We believe this is the best way to help them make an informed decision about whether or not SerbianDating is right for them.


1. How to use SerbianDating without paying?

Using SerbianDating without paying is not recommended. It limits your access to features and makes it difficult to find a compatible match. Plus, it’s not fair to the people who are paying for the service.

2. What is SerbianDating?

SerbianDating is a dating site that’s just another one of those online dating sites that are full of scammers and fake profiles. It’s not worth your time or money, trust me. Avoid it if you can.

3. Is SerbianDating trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust SerbianDating – it’s not the most reliable dating site out there. I’ve heard some pretty bad stories about people using it, so I’d be careful. It’s probably best to stay away from it.

4. How to cancel subscription on SerbianDating?

Cancelling a subscription on SerbianDating is really annoying. It’s not clear how to do it and there’s no obvious way to get in touch with customer service. Definitely not worth the hassle!


Overall, SerbianDating is not a great option for those looking to find a match. The registration process is long and tedious, the user interface is outdated and clunky, and there are no safety features in place to protect users from potential scammers or malicious actors. Furthermore, the pricing structure is far too expensive for what is offered, making it an unattractive option for most people. All in all, SerbianDating is best avoided when searching for a dating site.

Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson is an online dating expert and passionate writer who has dedicated his career to helping people find love. He studied psychology at the University of Michigan, where he developed a deep understanding of human behavior and relationships. After graduating with honors, Michael decided to use his knowledge in the world of online dating by writing reviews on various sites and apps. He believes that everyone deserves to be happy in their relationship status regardless if they are single or taken; it's all about finding what works for you! His mission is simple: provide honest advice from someone who knows how important it is when looking for potential partners through digital means - as well as help those already involved make sure they stay connected with one another no matter how far apart they may be physically located. As a professional reviewer, Michael takes great pride in providing readers accurate information so that anyone can make informed decisions before diving into any type of commitment – whether casual or serious-minded – without feeling overwhelmed by too many options available out there today! With over 10 years’ experience under his belt reviewing different platforms (both free & paid), he continues striving towards making this process easier while also keeping up-to-date on new trends within the industry itself so users always have access reliable resources when needed most.

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